Pradhyumna Lavania
Towards Measuring and Modeling “Culture” in LLMs: A Survey
Muhammad Farid Adilazuarda
Sagnik Mukherjee
Pradhyumna Lavania
Siddhant Shivdutt Singh
Alham Fikri Aji
Jacki O’Neill
Ashutosh Modi
Monojit Choudhury
Proceedings of the 2024 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing
We present a survey of more than 90 recent papers that aim to study cultural representation and inclusion in large language models (LLMs). We observe that none of the studies explicitly define “culture, which is a complex, multifaceted concept; instead, they probe the models on some specially designed datasets which represent certain aspects of “culture”. We call these aspects the proxies of culture, and organize them across two dimensions of demographic and semantic proxies. We also categorize the probing methods employed. Our analysis indicates that only certain aspects of “culture,” such as values and objectives, have been studied, leaving several other interesting and important facets, especially the multitude of semantic domains (Thompson et al., 2020) and aboutness (Hershcovich et al., 2022), unexplored. Two other crucial gaps are the lack of robustness of probing techniques and situated studies on the impact of cultural mis- and under-representation in LLM-based applications.
EtiCor: Corpus for Analyzing LLMs for Etiquettes
Ashutosh Dwivedi
Pradhyumna Lavania
Ashutosh Modi
Proceedings of the 2023 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing
Etiquettes are an essential ingredient of day-to-day interactions among people. Moreover, etiquettes are region-specific, and etiquettes in one region might contradict those in other regions. In this paper, we propose EtiCor, an Etiquettes Corpus, having texts about social norms from five different regions across the globe. The corpus provides a test bed for evaluating LLMs for knowledge and understanding of region-specific etiquettes. Additionally, we propose the task of Etiquette Sensitivity. We experiment with state-of-the-art LLMs (Delphi, Falcon40B, and GPT-3.5). Initial results indicate that LLMs, mostly fail to understand etiquettes from regions from non-Western world.