Rasika Ransing


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Survey of Pseudonymization, Abstractive Summarization & Spell Checker for Hindi and Marathi
Rasika Ransing | Mohammed Amaan Dhamaskar | Ayush Rajpurohit | Amey Dhoke | Sanket Dalvi
Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Natural Language Processing (ICON)

India’s vast linguistic diversity presents unique challenges and opportunities for technological advancement, especially in the realm of Natural Language Processing (NLP). While there has been significant progress in NLP applications for widely spoken languages, the regional languages of India, such as Marathi and Hindi, remain underserved. Research in the field of NLP for Indian regional languages is at a formative stage and holds immense significance. The paper aims to build a platform which enables the user to use various features like text anonymization, abstractive text summarization and spell checking in English, Hindi and Marathi language. The aim of these tools is to serve enterprise and consumer clients who predominantly use Indian Regional Languages.


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Word Sense Disambiguation for Marathi language using Supervised Learning
Rasika Ransing | Archana Gulati
Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Natural Language Processing (ICON)

The task of disambiguating word senses, often referred to as Word Sense Disambiguation (WSD), is a substantial difficulty in the realm of natural language processing. Marathi is widely acknowledged as a language that has a relatively restricted range of resources. Consequently, there has been a paucity of academic research undertaken on the Marathi language. There has been little research conducted on supervised learning for Marathi Word Sense Disambiguation (WSD) mostly owing to the scarcity of sense-annotated corpora. This work aims to construct a sense-annotated corpus for the Marathi language and further use supervised learning classifiers, such as Naïve Bayes, Support Vector Machine, Random Forest, and Logistic Regression, to disambiguate polysemous words in Marathi. The performance of these classifiers is evaluated.