Rongxin Zhu
Annotating and Detecting Fine-grained Factual Errors for Dialogue Summarization
Rongxin Zhu
Jianzhong Qi
Jey Han Lau
Proceedings of the 61st Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers)
A series of datasets and models have been proposed for summaries generated for well-formatted documents such as news articles. Dialogue summaries, however, have been under explored. In this paper, we present the first dataset with fine-grained factual error annotations named DIASUMFACT. We define fine-grained factual error detection as a sentence-level multi-label classification problem, and weevaluate two state-of-the-art (SOTA) models on our dataset. Both models yield sub-optimal results, with a macro-averaged F1 score of around 0.25 over 6 error classes. We further propose an unsupervised model ENDERANKER via candidate ranking using pretrained encoder-decoder models. Our model performs on par with the SOTA models while requiring fewer resources. These observations confirm the challenges in detecting factual errors from dialogue summaries, which call for further studies, for which our dataset and results offer a solid foundation.
Findings on Conversation Disentanglement
Rongxin Zhu
Jey Han Lau
Jianzhong Qi
Proceedings of the 19th Annual Workshop of the Australasian Language Technology Association
Conversation disentanglement, the task to identify separate threads in conversations, is an important pre-processing step in multi-party conversational NLP applications such as conversational question answering and con-versation summarization. Framing it as a utterance-to-utterance classification problem â i.e. given an utterance of interest (UOI), find which past utterance it replies to â we explore a number of transformer-based models and found that BERT in combination with handcrafted features remains a strong baseline. We then build a multi-task learning model that jointly learns utterance-to-utterance and utterance-to-thread classification. Observing that the ground truth label (past utterance) is in the top candidates when our model makes an error, we experiment with using bipartite graphs as a post-processing step to learn how to best match a set of UOIs to past utterances. Experiments on the Ubuntu IRC dataset show that this approach has the potential to out-perform the conventional greedy approach of simply selecting the highest probability candidate for each UOI independently, indicating a promising future research direction.