Ronny Mabokela
Investigating Sentiment-Bearing Words- and Emoji-based Distant Supervision Approaches for Sentiment Analysis
Ronny Mabokela
Mpho Roborife
Turguy Celik
Proceedings of the Fourth workshop on Resources for African Indigenous Languages (RAIL 2023)
Sentiment analysis focuses on the automatic detection and classification of opinions expressed in texts. Emojis can be used to determine the sentiment polarities of the texts (i.e. positive, negative, or neutral). Several studies demonstrated how sentiment analysis is accurate when emojis are used (Kaity and Balakrishnan, 2020). While they have used emojis as features to improve the performance of sentiment analysis systems, in this paper we analyse the use of emojis to reduce the manual effort inlabelling text for training those systems. Furthermore, we investigate the manual effort reduction in the sentiment labelling process with the help of sentiment-bearing words as well as the combination of sentiment-bearing words and emojis. In addition to English, we evaluated the approaches with the low-resource African languages Sepedi, Setswana, and Sesotho. The combination of emojis and words sentiment lexicon shows better performance compared to emojis-only lexicons and words-based lexicons. Our results show that our emoji sentiment lexicon approach is effective, with an accuracy of 75% more than other sentiment lexicon approaches, which have an average accuracy of 69.1%. Furthermore, our distant supervision method obtained an accuracy of 76%. We anticipate that only 24% of the tweets will need to be changed as a result of our annotation strategies
A Sentiment Corpus for South African Under-Resourced Languages in a Multilingual Context
Ronny Mabokela
Tim Schlippe
Proceedings of the 1st Annual Meeting of the ELRA/ISCA Special Interest Group on Under-Resourced Languages
Multilingual sentiment analysis is a process of detecting and classifying sentiment based on textual information written in multiple languages. There has been tremendous research advancement on high-resourced languages such as English. However, progress on under-resourced languages remains underrepresented with limited opportunities for further development of natural language processing (NLP) technologies. Sentiment analysis (SA) for under-resourced language still is a skewed research area. Although, there are some considerable efforts in emerging African countries to develop such resources for under-resourced languages, languages such as indigenous South African languages still suffer from a lack of datasets. To the best of our knowledge, there is currently no dataset dedicated to SA research for South African languages in a multilingual context, i.e. comments are in different languages and may contain code-switching. In this paper, we present the first subset of the multilingual sentiment corpus SAfriSenti for the three most widely spoken languages in South Africa—English, Sepedi (i.e. Northern Sotho), and Setswana. This subset consists of over 40,000 annotated tweets in all the three languages including even 36.6% of code-switched texts. We present data collection, cleaning and annotation strategies that were followed to curate the dataset for these languages. Furthermore, we describe how we developed language-specific sentiment lexicons, morpheme-based sentiment taggers, conduct linguistic analyses and present possible solutions for the challenges of this sentiment dataset. We will release the dataset and sentiment lexicons to the research communities to advance the NLP research of under-resourced languages.