Roshan Khatri
UB Health Miners@SMM4H’22: Exploring Pre-processing Techniques To Classify Tweets Using Transformer Based Pipelines.
Roshan Khatri
Sougata Saha
Souvik Das
Rohini Srihari
Proceedings of The Seventh Workshop on Social Media Mining for Health Applications, Workshop & Shared Task
Here we discuss our implementation of two tasks in the Social Media Mining for Health Applications (SMM4H) 2022 shared tasks – classification, detection, and normalization of Adverse Events (AE) mentioned in English tweets (Task 1) and classification of English tweets self-reporting exact age (Task 4). We have explored different methods and models for binary classification, multi-class classification and named entity recognition (NER) for these tasks. We have also processed the provided dataset for noise, imbalance, and creative language expression from data. Using diverse NLP methods we classified tweets for mentions of adverse drug effects (ADEs) and self-reporting the exact age in the tweets. Further, extracted reactions from the tweets and normalized these adverse effects to a standard concept ID in the MedDRA vocabulary.