Saisamarth Rajesh Phaye
Improving Evidence Retrieval on Claim Verification Pipeline through Question Enrichment
Svetlana Churina
Anab Maulana Barik
Saisamarth Rajesh Phaye
Proceedings of the Seventh Fact Extraction and VERification Workshop (FEVER)
The AVeriTeC shared task introduces a new real-word claim verification dataset, where a system is tasked to verify a real-world claim based on the evidence found in the internet.In this paper, we proposed a claim verification pipeline called QueenVer which consists of 2 modules, Evidence Retrieval and Claim Verification.Our pipeline collects pairs of <Question, Answer> as the evidence. Recognizing the pivotal role of question quality in the evidence efficacy, we proposed question enrichment to enhance the retrieved evidence. Specifically, we adopt three different Question Generation (QG) technique, muti-hop, single-hop, and Fact-checker style. For the claim verification module, we integrate an ensemble of multiple state-of-the-art LLM to enhance its robustness.Experiments show that QueenVC achieves 0.41, 0.29, and 0.42 on Q, Q+A, and AVeriTeC scores.