Sambaran Bandyopadhyay


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Enhancing Presentation Slide Generation by LLMs with a Multi-Staged End-to-End Approach
Sambaran Bandyopadhyay | Himanshu Maheshwari | Anandhavelu Natarajan | Apoorv Saxena
Proceedings of the 17th International Natural Language Generation Conference

Generating presentation slides from a long document with multimodal elements such as text and images is an important task. This is time consuming and needs domain expertise if done manually. Existing approaches for generating a rich presentation from a document are often semi-automatic or only put a flat summary into the slides ignoring the importance of a good narrative. In this paper, we address this research gap by proposing a multi-staged end-to-end model which uses a combination of LLM and VLM. We have experimentally shown that compared to applying LLMs directly with state-of-the-art prompting, our proposed multi-staged solution is better in terms of automated metrics and human evaluation.

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Presentations by the Humans and For the Humans: Harnessing LLMs for Generating Persona-Aware Slides from Documents
Ishani Mondal | Shwetha S | Anandhavelu Natarajan | Aparna Garimella | Sambaran Bandyopadhyay | Jordan Boyd-Graber
Proceedings of the 18th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers)

Scientific papers and slides are two different representations of the same underlying information, but both require substantial work to prepare. While there had been prior efforts on automating document-to-slides generation, there is still a pressing need of customizing the presentation of content aligning with the persona of target audience or duration of presentation. This paper first introduces the concept of end-user specification-aware document to slides conversion that incorporates end-user specifications into the conversion process. For this, we initially introduce a new dataset reuse the existing SciDuet dataset consisting of pairs of papers and corresponding slides decks from recent years’ *ACL conferences to create four persona-aware configurations. Secondly, we present Persona-Aware-D2S, a novel approach by finetuning LLMs using target audience feedback to create persona-aware slides from scientific documents. Our evaluation on both automated metrics and qualitative human evaluation suggests that by incorporating end-user specifications into the conversion process, our model can create presentations that are not only informative but also tailored to expectations and cognitive abilities of target audience.