Seemab Latif


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NUST Nova at RIRAG 2025: A Hybrid Framework for Regulatory Information Retrieval and Question Answering
Mariam Babar Khan | Huma Ameer | Seemab Latif | Mehwish Fatima
Proceedings of the 1st Regulatory NLP Workshop (RegNLP 2025)

NUST Nova participates in RIRAG Shared Task, addressing two critical challenges: Task 1 involves retrieving relevant subsections from regulatory documents based on user queries, while Task 2 focuses on generating concise, contextually accurate answers using the retrieved information. We propose a Hybrid Retrieval Framework that combines graph-based retrieval, vector-based methods, and keyword matching BM25 to enhance relevance and precision in regulatory QA. Using score-based fusion and iterative refinement, the framework retrieves the top 10 relevant passages, which are then used by an LLM to generate accurate, context-aware answers. After empirical evaluation, we also conduct an error analysis to identify our framework’s limitations.

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NUST Alpha at RIRAG 2025: Fusion RAG for Bridging Lexical and Semantic Retrieval and Question Answering
Muhammad Rouhan Faisal | Muhammad Abdullah | Faizyaab Ali Shah | Shalina Riaz | Huma Ameer | Seemab Latif | Mehwish Fatima
Proceedings of the 1st Regulatory NLP Workshop (RegNLP 2025)

NUST Alpha participates in the Regulatory Information Retrieval and Answer Generation (RIRAG) shared task. We propose FusionRAG that combines OpenAI embeddings, BM25, FAISS, and Rank-Fusion to improve information retrieval and answer generation. We also explores multiple variants of our model to assess the impact of each component in overall performance. FusionRAG strength comes from our rank fusion and filter strategy. Rank fusion integrates semantic and lexical relevance scores to optimize retrieval accuracy and result diversity, and Filter mechanism remove irrelevant passages before answer generation. Our experiments demonstrate that FusionRAG offers a robust and scalable solution for automating the analysis of regulatory documents, improving compliance efficiency, and mitigating associated risks. We further conduct an error analysis to explore the limitations of our model’s performance.

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NUST Omega at RIRAG 2025: Investigating Context-aware Retrieval and Answer Generations-Lessons and Challenges
Huma Ameer | Muhammad Hannan Akram | Seemab Latif | Mehwish Fatima
Proceedings of the 1st Regulatory NLP Workshop (RegNLP 2025)

NUST Omega participates in Regulatory Information Retrieval and Answer Generation (RIRAG) Shared Task. Regulatory documents poses unique challenges in retrieving and generating precise and relevant answers due to their inherent complexities. We explore the task by proposing a progressive retrieval pipeline and investigate its performance with multiple variants. Some variants include different embeddings to explore their effects on the retrieval score. Some variants examine the inclusion of keyword-driven query matching technique. After exploring such variations, we include topic modeling in our pipeline to investigate its impact on the performance. We also study the performance of various prompt techniques with our proposed pipeline. With empirical experiments, we find some strengths and limitations in the proposed pipeline. These findings will help the research community by offering valuable insights to make advancements in tackling this complex task.


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NLPColab at FigNews 2024 Shared Task: Challenges in Bias and Propaganda Annotation for News Media
Sadaf Abdul Rauf | Huda Sarfraz | Saadia Nauman | Arooj Fatima | SadafZiafat SadafZiafat | Momina Ishfaq | Alishba Suboor | Hammad Afzal | Seemab Latif
Proceedings of The Second Arabic Natural Language Processing Conference

In this paper, we present our methodology and findings from participating in the FIGNEWS 2024 shared task on annotating news fragments on the Gaza-Israel war for bias and propaganda detection. The task aimed to refine the FIGNEWS 2024 annotation guidelines and to contribute to the creation of a comprehensive dataset to advance research in this field. Our team employed a multi-faceted approach to ensure high accuracy in data annotations. Our results highlight key challenges in detecting bias and propaganda, such as the need for more comprehensive guidelines. Our team ranked first in all tracks for propaganda annotation. For Bias, the team stood in first place for the Guidelines and IAA tracks, and in second place for the Quantity and Consistency tracks.