Shankar Biradar


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IIITDWD_SVC@DravidianLangTech-2024: Breaking Language Barriers; Hate Speech Detection in Telugu-English Code-Mixed Text
Chava Sai | Rangoori Kumar | Sunil Saumya | Shankar Biradar
Proceedings of the Fourth Workshop on Speech, Vision, and Language Technologies for Dravidian Languages

Social media platforms have become increasingly popular and are utilized for a wide range of purposes, including product promotion, news sharing, accomplishment sharing, and much more. However, it is also employed for defamatory speech, intimidation, and the propagation of untruths about particular groups of people. Further, hateful and offensive posts spread quickly and often have a negative impact on people; it is important to identify and remove them from social media platforms as soon as possible. Over the past few years, research on hate speech detection and offensive content has grown in popularity. One of the many difficulties in identifying hate speech on social media platforms is the use of code-mixed language. The majority of people who use social media typically share their messages in languages with mixed codes, like Telugu–English. To encourage research in this direction, the organizers of DravidianLangTech@EACL-2024 conducted a shared task to identify hateful content in Telugu-English code-mixed text. Our team participated in this shared task, employing three different models: Xlm-Roberta, BERT, and Hate-BERT. In particular, our BERT-based model secured the 14th rank in the competition with a macro F1 score of 0.65.

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IIITDWD-zk@DravidianLangTech-2024: Leveraging the Power of Language Models for Hate Speech Detection in Telugu-English Code-Mixed Text
Zuhair Hasan Shaik | Sai Kartheek Reddy Kasu | Sunil Saumya | Shankar Biradar
Proceedings of the Fourth Workshop on Speech, Vision, and Language Technologies for Dravidian Languages

Hateful online content is a growing concern, especially for young people. While social media platforms aim to connect us, they can also become breeding grounds for negativity and harmful language. This study tackles this issue by proposing a novel framework called HOLD-Z, specifically designed to detect hate and offensive comments in Telugu-English code-mixed social media content. HOLD-Z leverages a combination of approaches, including three powerful models: LSTM architecture, Zypher, and openchat_3.5. The study highlights the effectiveness of prompt engineering and Quantized Low-Rank Adaptation (QLoRA) in boosting performance. Notably, HOLD-Z secured the 9th place in the prestigious HOLD-Telugu DravidianLangTech@EACL-2024 shared task, showcasing its potential for tackling the complexities of hate and offensive comment classification.

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Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Natural Language Processing (ICON): Shared Task on Decoding Fake Narratives in Spreading Hateful Stories (Faux-Hate)
Shankar Biradar | Kasu Sai Kartheek Reddy | Sunil Saumya | Md. Shad Akhtar
Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Natural Language Processing (ICON): Shared Task on Decoding Fake Narratives in Spreading Hateful Stories (Faux-Hate)

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Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Natural Language Processing (ICON): Shared Task on Decoding Fake Narratives in Spreading Hateful Stories (Faux-Hate)
Shankar Biradar | Kasu Sai Kartheek Reddy | Sunil Saumya | Md. Shad Akhtar
Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Natural Language Processing (ICON): Shared Task on Decoding Fake Narratives in Spreading Hateful Stories (Faux-Hate)

The rapid expansion of social media has led toan increase in code-mixed content, presentingsignificant challenges in the effective detectionof hate speech and fake narratives. To advanceresearch in this area, a shared task titled De-coding Fake Narratives in Spreading HatefulStories (Faux-Hate) was organized as part ofICON 2024. This paper introduces a multi-task learning model designed to classify Hindi-English code-mixed tweets into two distinct cat-egories: hate speech and false content. The pro-posed framework utilizes fastText embeddingsto create a shared feature space that adeptly cap-tures the semantic and syntactic intricacies ofcode-mixed text, including transliterated termsand out-of-vocabulary words. These sharedembeddings are then processed through twoindependent Support Vector Machine (SVM)classifiers, each specifically tailored for oneof the classification tasks. Our team, secured10th place among the participating teams, asevaluated by the organizers based on Macro F1scores.

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LoRA adapter weight tuning with multi-task learning for Faux-Hate detection
Abhinandan Onajol | Varun Gani | Praneeta Marakatti | Bhakti Malwankar | Shankar Biradar
Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Natural Language Processing (ICON): Shared Task on Decoding Fake Narratives in Spreading Hateful Stories (Faux-Hate)

Detecting misinformation and harmful language in bilingual texts, particularly those com-bining Hindi and English, poses considerabledifficulties. The intricacies of mixed-languagecontent and limited available resources compli-cate this task even more. The proposed workfocuses on unraveling deceptive stories thatpropagate hate. We have developed an inno-vative attention-weight-tuned LoRA Adopter-based model for such Faux-Hate content de-tection. This work is conducted as a partof the ICON 2024 shared task on DecodingFake narratives in spreading Hateful stories.The LoRA-enhanced architecture secured 13thplace among the participating teams for TaskA.

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FeedForward at SemEval-2024 Task 10: Trigger and sentext-height enriched emotion analysis in multi-party conversations
Zuhair Hasan Shaik | Dhivya Prasanna | Enduri Jahnavi | Rishi Thippireddy | Vamsi Madhav | Sunil Saumya | Shankar Biradar
Proceedings of the 18th International Workshop on Semantic Evaluation (SemEval-2024)

This paper reports on an innovative approach to Emotion Recognition in Conversation and Emotion Flip Reasoning for the SemEval-2024 competition with a specific focus on analyzing Hindi-English code-mixed language. By integrating Large Language Models (LLMs) with Instruction-based Fine-tuning and Quantized Low-Rank Adaptation (QLoRA), this study introduces innovative techniques like Sentext-height and advanced prompting strategies to navigate the intricacies of emotional analysis in code-mixed conversational data. The results of the proposed work effectively demonstrate its ability to overcome label bias and the complexities of code-mixed languages. Our team achieved ranks of 5, 3, and 3 in tasks 1, 2, and 3 respectively. This study contributes valuable insights and methods for enhancing emotion recognition models, underscoring the importance of continuous research in this field.


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IIITDWD@LT-EDI-2023 Unveiling Depression: Using pre-trained language models for Harnessing Domain-Specific Features and Context Information
Shankar Biradar | Sunil Saumya | Sanjana Kavatagi
Proceedings of the Third Workshop on Language Technology for Equality, Diversity and Inclusion

Depression has become a common health problem impacting millions of individuals globally. Workplace stress and an unhealthy lifestyle have increased in recent years, leading to an increase in the number of people experiencing depressive symptoms. The spread of the epidemic has further exacerbated the problem. Early detection and precise prediction of depression are critical for early intervention and support for individuals at risk. However, due to the social stigma associated with the illness, many people are afraid to consult healthcare specialists, making early detection practically impossible. As a result, alternative strategies for depression prediction are being investigated, one of which is analyzing users’ social media posting behaviour. The organizers of LT-EDI@RANLP carried out a shared Task to encourage research in this area. Our team participated in the shared task and secured 21st rank with a macro F1 score 0f 0.36. This article provides a summary of the model presented in the shared task.


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Are you a hero or a villain? A semantic role labelling approach for detecting harmful memes.
Shaik Fharook | Syed Sufyan Ahmed | Gurram Rithika | Sumith Sai Budde | Sunil Saumya | Shankar Biradar
Proceedings of the Workshop on Combating Online Hostile Posts in Regional Languages during Emergency Situations

Identifying good and evil through representations of victimhood, heroism, and villainy (i.e., role labeling of entities) has recently caught the research community’s interest. Because of the growing popularity of memes, the amount of offensive information published on the internet is expanding at an alarming rate. It generated a larger need to address this issue and analyze the memes for content moderation. Framing is used to show the entities engaged as heroes, villains, victims, or others so that readers may better anticipate and understand their attitudes and behaviors as characters. Positive phrases are used to characterize heroes, whereas negative terms depict victims and villains, and terms that tend to be neutral are mapped to others. In this paper, we propose two approaches to role label the entities of the meme as hero, villain, victim, or other through Named-Entity Recognition(NER), Sentiment Analysis, etc. With an F1-score of 23.855, our team secured eighth position in the Shared Task @ Constraint 2022.

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IIITDWD@TamilNLP-ACL2022: Transformer-based approach to classify abusive content in Dravidian Code-mixed text
Shankar Biradar | Sunil Saumya
Proceedings of the Second Workshop on Speech and Language Technologies for Dravidian Languages

Identifying abusive content or hate speech in social media text has raised the research community’s interest in recent times. The major driving force behind this is the widespread use of social media websites. Further, it also leads to identifying abusive content in low-resource regional languages, which is an important research problem in computational linguistics. As part of ACL-2022, organizers of DravidianLangTech@ACL 2022 have released a shared task on abusive category identification in Tamil and Tamil-English code-mixed text to encourage further research on offensive content identification in low-resource Indic languages. This paper presents the working notes for the model submitted by IIITDWD at DravidianLangTech@ACL 2022. Our team competed in Sub-Task B and finished in 9th place among the participating teams. In our proposed approach, we used a pre-trained transformer model such as Indic-bert for feature extraction, and on top of that, SVM classifier is used for stance detection. Further, our model achieved 62 % accuracy on code-mixed Tamil-English text.