Shilei Zhang


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DiffStyleTTS: Diffusion-based Hierarchical Prosody Modeling for Text-to-Speech with Diverse and Controllable Styles
Jiaxuan Liu | Zhaoci Liu | Yajun Hu | Yingying Gao | Shilei Zhang | Zhenhua Ling
Proceedings of the 31st International Conference on Computational Linguistics

Human speech exhibits rich and flexible prosodic variations. To address the one-to-many mapping problem from text to prosody in a reasonable and flexible manner, we propose DiffStyleTTS, a multi-speaker acoustic model based on a conditional diffusion module and an improved classifier-free guidance, which hierarchically models speech prosodic features, and controls different prosodic styles to guide prosody prediction. Experiments show that our method outperforms all baselines in naturalness and achieves superior synthesis speed compared to three diffusion-based baselines. Additionally, by adjusting the guiding scale, DiffStyleTTS effectively controls the guidance intensity of the synthetic prosody.


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Robust Target Speaker Tracking in Broadcast TV Streams
Junmei Bai | Hongchen Jiang | Shilei Zhang | Shuwu Zhang | Bo Xu
International Journal of Computational Linguistics & Chinese Language Processing, Volume 11, Number 1, March 2006: Special Issue on Human Computer Speech Processing