Shraddha Chauhan
DSLNLP@NLU of Devanagari Script Languages 2025: Leveraging BERT-based Architectures for Language Identification, Hate Speech Detection and Target Classification
Shraddha Chauhan
Abhinav Kumar
Proceedings of the First Workshop on Challenges in Processing South Asian Languages (CHiPSAL 2025)
The rapid rise of social media has emphasized the spread of harmful and hateful content, making it challenging for its identification. Contextual semantics is very important as prior studies present that context level semantics is a more trustworthy indicator of hatefulness than word level semantics for detecting hate speech. This paper attempts to check the usability of transformer-based models for the identification of hate speech on code-mixed datasets, which includes Google-MuRIL, LaBSE, XLMRoberta-base, mbert and distil-mbert. The above is largely due to its ability for high-level representations of complex and context-dense meaning. Besides this, we experiment on ensemble approach that covers all of the above models to reach out for an even higher level of performance in detection. The experiment results show the best performing macro F1-scores are reported in case of MuRIL in comparison to other implemented models.