Soma Das


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Identifying Correlation between Sentiment Analysis and Septic News Sentences Classification Tasks
Soma Das | Sagarika Ghosh | Sanjay Chatterji
Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Natural Language Processing (ICON)

This research investigates the correlation between Sentiment and SEPSIS(SpEculation, oPinion, biaS, and twISt) characteristics in news sentences through an ablation study. Various Sentiment analysis models, including TextBlob, Vader, and RoBERTa, are examined to discern their impact on news sentences. Additionally, we explore the Logistic Regression(LR), Decision Trees(DT), Support Vector Machines(SVM) and Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) models for Septic sentence classification.


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Identification of Synthetic Sentence in Bengali News using Hybrid Approach
Soma Das | Sanjay Chatterji
Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Natural Language Processing

Often sentences of correct news are either made biased towards a particular person or a group of persons or parties or maybe distorted to add some sentiment or importance in it. Engaged readers often are not able to extract the inherent meaning of such synthetic sentences. In Bengali, the news contents of the synthetic sentences are presented in such a rich way that it usually becomes difficult to identify the synthetic part of it. We have used machine learning algorithms to classify Bengali news sentences into synthetic and legitimate and then used some rule-based postprocessing on each of these models. Finally, we have developed a voting based combination of these models to build a hybrid model for Bengali synthetic sentence identification. This is a new task and therefore we could not compare it with any existing work in the field. Identification of such types of sentences may be used to improve the performance of identifying fake news and satire news. Thus, identifying molecular level biasness in news articles.