Sundaresan Raman
BITS Pilani at SemEval-2024 Task 1: Using text-embedding-3-large and LaBSE embeddings for Semantic Textual Relatedness
Dilip Venkatesh
Sundaresan Raman
Proceedings of the 18th International Workshop on Semantic Evaluation (SemEval-2024)
Semantic Relatedness of a pair of text (sentences or words) is the degree to which theirmeanings are close. The Track A of the Semantic Textual Relatedness shared task aimsto find the semantic relatedness for the English language along with multiple other lowresource languages with the use of pretrainedlanguage models. We proposes a system tofind the Spearman coefficient of a textual pairusing pretrained embedding models like textembedding-3-large and LaBSE.