Vy Nguyen


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GAVx at SemEval-2024 Task 10: Emotion Flip Reasoning via Stacked Instruction Finetuning of LLMs
Vy Nguyen | Xiuzhen Zhang
Proceedings of the 18th International Workshop on Semantic Evaluation (SemEval-2024)

The Emotion Flip Reasoning task at SemEval 2024 aims at identifying the utterance(s) that trigger a speaker to shift from an emotion to another in a multi-party conversation. The spontaneous, informal, and occasionally multilingual dynamics of conversations make the task challenging. In this paper, we propose a supervised stacked instruction-based framework to finetune large language models to tackle this task. Utilising the annotated datasets provided, we curate multiple instruction sets involving chain-of-thoughts, feedback, and self-evaluation instructions, for a multi-step finetuning pipeline. We utilise the self-consistency inference strategy to enhance prediction consistency. Experimental results reveal commendable performance, achieving mean F1 scores of 0.77 and 0.76 for triggers in the Hindi-English and English-only tracks respectively. This led to us earning the second highest ranking in both tracks.