Wenxin Zhang


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SOTOPIA-π: Interactive Learning of Socially Intelligent Language Agents
Ruiyi Wang | Haofei Yu | Wenxin Zhang | Zhengyang Qi | Maarten Sap | Yonatan Bisk | Graham Neubig | Hao Zhu
Proceedings of the 62nd Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers)

Humans learn social skills through both imitation and social interaction. This social learning process is largely understudied by existing research on building language agents. Motivated by this gap, we propose an interactive learning method, SOTOPIA-π, that improves the social intelligence of language agents. This method leverages behavior cloning and self-reinforcement based training on filtered social interaction data according to large language model (LLM) rating. We show that our training method allows a 7B LLM to reach the social goal completion ability of an expert model (GPT-4-based agent) without the loss of more generic abilities, such as the ability to answer knowledge-based questions. We also demonstrate that this training paradigm uncovers some weaknesses in standard evaluation and safety training paradigms that (1) LLM-based evaluation of social intelligence overestimates the abilities of the language agents trained specifically for social interaction, and that (2) despite not training for better safety or question answering (QA) ability, our methods improve the safety of language agents and maintain general QA ability on the MMLU benchmark.


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Long-Horizon Dialogue Understanding for Role Identification in the Game of Avalon with Large Language Models
Simon Stepputtis | Joseph Campbell | Yaqi Xie | Zhengyang Qi | Wenxin Zhang | Ruiyi Wang | Sanketh Rangreji | Charles Lewis | Katia Sycara
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: EMNLP 2023

Deception and persuasion play a critical role in long-horizon dialogues between multiple parties, especially when the interests, goals, and motivations of the participants are not aligned. Such complex tasks pose challenges for current Large Language Models (LLM) as deception and persuasion can easily mislead them, especially in long-horizon multi-party dialogues. To this end, we explore the game of Avalon: The Resistance, a social deduction game in which players must determine each other’s hidden identities to complete their team’s objective. We introduce an online testbed and a dataset containing 20 carefully collected and labeled games among human players that exhibit long-horizon deception in a cooperative-competitive setting. We discuss the capabilities of LLMs to utilize deceptive long-horizon conversations between six human players to determine each player’s goal and motivation. Particularly, we discuss the multimodal integration of the chat between the players and the game’s state that grounds the conversation, providing further insights into the true player identities. We find that even current state-of-the-art LLMs do not reach human performance, making our dataset a compelling benchmark to investigate the decision-making and language-processing capabilities of LLMs. Our dataset and online testbed can be found at our project website: https://sstepput.github.io/Avalon-NLU/


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Probing GPT-3’s Linguistic Knowledge on Semantic Tasks
Lining Zhang | Mengchen Wang | Liben Chen | Wenxin Zhang
Proceedings of the Fifth BlackboxNLP Workshop on Analyzing and Interpreting Neural Networks for NLP

GPT-3 has attracted much attention from both academia and industry. However, it is still unclear what GPT-3 has understood or learned especially in linguistic knowledge. Some studies have shown linguistic phenomena including negation and tense are hard to be recognized by language models such as BERT. In this study, we conduct probing tasks focusing on semantic information. Specifically, we investigate GPT-3’s linguistic knowledge on semantic tasks to identify tense, the number of subjects, and the number of objects for a given sentence. We also experiment with different prompt designs and temperatures of the decoding method. Our experiment results suggest that GPT-3 has acquired linguistic knowledge to identify certain semantic information in most cases, but still fails when there are some types of disturbance happening in the sentence. We also perform error analysis to summarize some common types of mistakes that GPT-3 has made when dealing with certain semantic information.