Wojciech Witkowski
A (Non)-Perfect Match: Mapping plWordNet onto PrincetonWordNet
Ewa Rudnicka
Wojciech Witkowski
Maciej Piasecki
Proceedings of the 11th Global Wordnet Conference
The paper reports on the methodology and final results of a large-scale synset mapping between plWordNet and Princeton WordNet. Dedicated manual and semi-automatic mapping procedures as well as interlingual relation types for nouns, verbs, adjectives and adverbs are described. The statistics of all types of interlingual relations are also provided.
Towards a methodology for filtering out gaps and mismatches across wordnets: the case of plWordNet and Princeton WordNet
Ewa Rudnicka
Wojciech Witkowski
Łukasz Grabowski
Proceedings of the 8th Global WordNet Conference (GWC)
This paper presents the results of large-scale noun synset mapping between plWordNet, the wordnet of Polish, and Princeton WordNet, the wordnet of English, which have shown high predominance of inter-lingual hyponymy relation over inter-synonymy relation. Two main sources of such effect are identified in the paper: differences in the methodologies of construction of plWN and PWN and cross-linguistic differences in lexicalization of concepts and grammatical categories between English and Polish. Next, we propose a typology of specific gaps and mismatches across wordnets and a rule-based system of filters developed specifically to scan all I(inter-lingual)-hyponymy links between plWN and PWN. The proposed system, it should be stressed, also enables one to pinpoint the frequencies of the identified gaps and mismatches.
Challenges of Adjective Mapping between plWordNet and Princeton WordNet
Ewa Rudnicka
Wojciech Witkowski
Katarzyna Podlaska
Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC'16)
The paper presents the strategy and results of mapping adjective synsets between plWordNet (the wordnet of Polish, cf. Piasecki et al. 2009, Maziarz et al. 2013) and Princeton WordNet (cf. Fellbaum 1998). The main challenge of this enterprise has been very different synset relation structures in the two networks: horizontal, dumbbell-model based in PWN and vertical, hyponymy-based in plWN. Moreover, the two wordnets display differences in the grouping of adjectives into semantic domains and in the size of the adjective category. The handle the above contrasts, a series of automatic prompt algorithms and a manual mapping procedure relying on corresponding synset and lexical unit relations as well as on inter-lingual relations between noun synsets were proposed in the pilot stage of mapping (Rudnicka et al. 2015). In the paper we discuss the final results of the mapping process as well as explain example mapping choices. Suggestions for further development of mapping are also given.