Yevgeniy Puzikov


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Revisiting the Binary Linearization Technique for Surface Realization
Yevgeniy Puzikov | Claire Gardent | Ido Dagan | Iryna Gurevych
Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Natural Language Generation

End-to-end neural approaches have achieved state-of-the-art performance in many natural language processing (NLP) tasks. Yet, they often lack transparency of the underlying decision-making process, hindering error analysis and certain model improvements. In this work, we revisit the binary linearization approach to surface realization, which exhibits more interpretable behavior, but was falling short in terms of prediction accuracy. We show how enriching the training data to better capture word order constraints almost doubles the performance of the system. We further demonstrate that encoding both local and global prediction contexts yields another considerable performance boost. With the proposed modifications, the system which ranked low in the latest shared task on multilingual surface realization now achieves best results in five out of ten languages, while being on par with the state-of-the-art approaches in others.


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BinLin: A Simple Method of Dependency Tree Linearization
Yevgeniy Puzikov | Iryna Gurevych
Proceedings of the First Workshop on Multilingual Surface Realisation

Surface Realization Shared Task 2018 is a workshop on generating sentences from lemmatized sets of dependency triples. This paper describes the results of our participation in the challenge. We develop a data-driven pipeline system which first orders the lemmas and then conjugates the words to finish the surface realization process. Our contribution is a novel sequential method of ordering lemmas, which, despite its simplicity, achieves promising results. We demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed approach, describe its limitations and outline ways to improve it.

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E2E NLG Challenge: Neural Models vs. Templates
Yevgeniy Puzikov | Iryna Gurevych
Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Natural Language Generation

E2E NLG Challenge is a shared task on generating restaurant descriptions from sets of key-value pairs. This paper describes the results of our participation in the challenge. We develop a simple, yet effective neural encoder-decoder model which produces fluent restaurant descriptions and outperforms a strong baseline. We further analyze the data provided by the organizers and conclude that the task can also be approached with a template-based model developed in just a few hours.


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LSDSem 2017: Exploring Data Generation Methods for the Story Cloze Test
Michael Bugert | Yevgeniy Puzikov | Andreas Rücklé | Judith Eckle-Kohler | Teresa Martin | Eugenio Martínez-Cámara | Daniil Sorokin | Maxime Peyrard | Iryna Gurevych
Proceedings of the 2nd Workshop on Linking Models of Lexical, Sentential and Discourse-level Semantics

The Story Cloze test is a recent effort in providing a common test scenario for text understanding systems. As part of the LSDSem 2017 shared task, we present a system based on a deep learning architecture combined with a rich set of manually-crafted linguistic features. The system outperforms all known baselines for the task, suggesting that the chosen approach is promising. We additionally present two methods for generating further training data based on stories from the ROCStories corpus.

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Integrating Deep Linguistic Features in Factuality Prediction over Unified Datasets
Gabriel Stanovsky | Judith Eckle-Kohler | Yevgeniy Puzikov | Ido Dagan | Iryna Gurevych
Proceedings of the 55th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 2: Short Papers)

Previous models for the assessment of commitment towards a predicate in a sentence (also known as factuality prediction) were trained and tested against a specific annotated dataset, subsequently limiting the generality of their results. In this work we propose an intuitive method for mapping three previously annotated corpora onto a single factuality scale, thereby enabling models to be tested across these corpora. In addition, we design a novel model for factuality prediction by first extending a previous rule-based factuality prediction system and applying it over an abstraction of dependency trees, and then using the output of this system in a supervised classifier. We show that this model outperforms previous methods on all three datasets. We make both the unified factuality corpus and our new model publicly available.


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M2L at SemEval-2016 Task 8: AMR Parsing with Neural Networks
Yevgeniy Puzikov | Daisuke Kawahara | Sadao Kurohashi
Proceedings of the 10th International Workshop on Semantic Evaluation (SemEval-2016)

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The Kyoto University Cross-Lingual Pronoun Translation System
Raj Dabre | Yevgeniy Puzikov | Fabien Cromieres | Sadao Kurohashi
Proceedings of the First Conference on Machine Translation: Volume 2, Shared Task Papers