基于神经编解码语言模型的老挝语韵律建模方法(A Method for Lao Prosody Modeling Based on Neural Codec Language Model)
Yi Ningjing (易宁静)
Wang Linqin (王琳钦)
Gao Shengxiang (高盛祥)
Yu Zhengtao (余正涛)
Proceedings of the 23rd Chinese National Conference on Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Main Conference)
基于方面引导的图文渐进融合的多模态方面级情感分析方法(Aspect-Guided Progressive Fusion of Text and Image for Multimodal Aspect-Based Sentiment Analysis)
Yan Zida (闫自达)
Guo Junjun (郭军军)
Yu Zhengtao (余正涛)
Proceedings of the 23rd Chinese National Conference on Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Main Conference)
基于联邦知识蒸馏的跨语言社交媒体事件检测(Cross-Lingual Social Event Detection Based on Federated Knowledge Distillation)
Zhou Shuaishuai (周帅帅)
Zhu Enchang (朱恩昌)
Gao Shengxiang (高盛祥)
Yu Zhengtao (余正涛)
Xian Yantuan (线岩团)
Zhao Zixiao (赵子霄)
Chen Lin (陈霖)
Proceedings of the 23rd Chinese National Conference on Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Main Conference)
基于预训练模型与序列建模的音素分割方法(Sequence Modeling)
Yang Shanglong (杨尚龙)
Yu Zhengtao (余正涛)
Wang Wenjun (王文君)
Dong Ling (董凌)
Gao Shengxiang (高盛祥)
Proceedings of the 23rd Chinese National Conference on Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Main Conference)
DialectMoE: An End-to-End Multi-Dialect Speech Recognition Model with Mixture-of-Experts
Zhou Jie
Gao Shengxiang
Yu Zhengtao
Dong Ling
Wang Wenjun
Proceedings of the 23rd Chinese National Conference on Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Main Conference)
“Dialect speech recognition has always been one of the challenges in Automatic Speech Recog-nition (ASR) systems. While lots of ASR systems perform well in Mandarin, their performancesignificantly drops when handling dialect speech. This is mainly due to the obvious differencesbetween dialects and Mandarin in pronunciation and the data scarcity of dialect speech. In thispaper, we propose DialectMoE, a Chinese multi-dialects speech recognition model based onMixture-of-Experts (MoE) in a low-resource conditions. Specifically, DialectMoE assigns inputsequences to a set of experts using a dynamic routing algorithm, with each expert potentiallytrained for a specific dialect. Subsequently, the outputs of these experts are combined to derivethe final output. Due to the similarities among dialects, distinct experts may offer assistance inrecognizing other dialects as well. Experimental results on the Datatang dialect public datasetshow that, compared with the baseline model, DialectMoE reduces Character Error Rate (CER)for Sichuan, Yunnan, Hubei and Henan dialects by 23.6%, 32.6%, 39.2% and 35.09% respec-tively. The proposed DialectMoE model demonstrates outstanding performance in multi-dialectsspeech recognition.”
Chinese Grammatical Error Correction via Large Language Model Guided Optimization Training
Liu Xiao
Li Ying
Yu Zhengtao
Proceedings of the 23rd Chinese National Conference on Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Main Conference)
“Pre-trained language model-based methods for Chinese Grammatical Error Correction (CGEC)are categorized into Seq2Seq and Seq2Edit types. However, both Seq2Seq and Seq2Edit mod-els depend on high-quality training data significantly. Considering the strong generation andinference ability of large language models (LLMs), we propose a large language model-guidedoptimization training method to exploit LLMs to extract error knowledge to optimize the tradi-tional CGEC model training process. On the one hand, we use error types and confusion sets asextra knowledge to guide LLMs to generate diverse pseudo data, thus extending the error distri-bution of our training data. On the other hand, LLMs are utilized to infer the predicted resultsfrom our CGEC models and obtain the re-training data, thus iteratively optimizing our pre-trainedCGEC models. Experiments on two benchmark datasets show that our LLMs-guided optimiza-tion method with small-scale training data can achieve comparable results with baseline modelswith large-scale training data. Detailed comparison experiments demonstrate that both the earlydeviser pseudo data and the later re-training data are extremely useful for traditional CGEC modeloptimization training, and can benefit from each other. We will release our code and prompts athttps://github.com/SakuraAcedia/llm-cgec-got to facilitate future work.”
Emotion Classification of COVID-19 Chinese Microblogs based on the Emotion Category Description
Guo Xianwei
Lai Hua
Xiang Yan
Yu Zhengtao
Huang Yuxin
Proceedings of the 20th Chinese National Conference on Computational Linguistics
Emotion classification of COVID-19 Chinese microblogs helps analyze the public opinion triggered by COVID-19. Existing methods only consider the features of the microblog itself with-out combining the semantics of emotion categories for modeling. Emotion classification of mi-croblogs is a process of reading the content of microblogs and combining the semantics of emo-tion categories to understand whether it contains a certain emotion. Inspired by this we proposean emotion classification model based on the emotion category description for COVID-19 Chi-nese microblogs. Firstly we expand all emotion categories into formalized category descriptions. Secondly based on the idea of question answering we construct a question for each microblogin the form of ‘What is the emotion expressed in the text X?’ and regard all category descrip-tions as candidate answers. Finally we construct a question-and-answer pair and use it as the input of the BERT model to complete emotion classification. By integrating rich contextual andcategory semantics the model can better understand the emotion of microblogs. Experimentson the COVID-19 Chinese microblog dataset show that our approach outperforms many existinge motion classification methods including the BERT baseline.