Zhang Yijia

Also published as: 益嘉


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基于主题模型与图神经网络的突发公共卫生事件国际舆情演化分析研(International Public Opinion Evolution Analysis on Sudden Public Health Events using Topic Model and Graph Neural Network)
Gao Jingjian (高境健) | Sang Guoming (桑国明) | Liu Zhi (刘智) | Zhang Yijia (张益嘉) | Lin Hongfei (林鸿飞)
Proceedings of the 23rd Chinese National Conference on Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Main Conference)



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P-MNER: Cross Modal Correction Fusion Network with Prompt Learning for Multimodal Named Entity Recognitiong
Wang Zhuang | Zhang Yijia | An Kang | Zhou Xiaoying | Lu Mingyu | Lin Hongfei
Proceedings of the 22nd Chinese National Conference on Computational Linguistics

“Multimodal Named Entity Recognition (MNER) is a challenging task in social mediadue to the combination of text and image features. Previous MNER work has focused onpredicting entity information after fusing visual and text features. However, pre-traininglanguage models have already acquired vast amounts of knowledge during their pre-training process. To leverage this knowledge, we propose a prompt network for MNERtasks (P-MNER).To minimize the noise generated by irrelevant areas in the image, wedesign a visual feature extraction model (FRR) based on FasterRCNN and ResNet, whichuses fine-grained visual features to assist MNER tasks. Moreover, we introduce a textcorrection fusion module (TCFM) into the model to address visual bias during modalfusion. We employ the idea of a residual network to modify the fused features using theoriginal text features. Our experiments on two benchmark datasets demonstrate that ourproposed model outperforms existing MNER methods. P-MNER’s ability to leveragepre-training knowledge from language models, incorporate fine-grained visual features,and correct for visual bias, makes it a promising approach for multimodal named entityrecognition in social media posts.”

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Self Question-answering: Aspect Sentiment Triplet Extraction via a Multi-MRC Framework based on Rethink Mechanism
Zhang Fuyao | Zhang Yijia | Wang Mengyi | Yang Hong | Lu Mingyu | Yang Liang
Proceedings of the 22nd Chinese National Conference on Computational Linguistics

“The purpose of Aspect Sentiment Triplet Extraction (ASTE) is to extract a triplet, including thetarget or aspect, its associated sentiment, and related opinion terms that explain the underlyingcause of the sentiment. Some recent studies fail to capture the strong interdependence betweenATE and OTE, while others fail to effectively introduce the relationship between aspects andopinions into sentiment classification tasks. To solve these problems, we construct a multi-roundmachine reading comprehension framework based on a rethink mechanism to solve ASTE tasksefficiently. The rethink mechanism allows the framework to model complex relationships be-tween entities, and exclusive classifiers and probability generation algorithms can reduce queryconflicts and unilateral drops in probability. Besides, the multi-round structure can fuse explicitsemantic information flow between aspect, opinion and sentiment. Extensive experiments showthat the proposed model achieves the most advanced effect and can be effectively applied toASTE tasks.”

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Adversarial Network with External Knowledge for Zero-Shot Stance Detection
Wang Chunling | Zhang Yijia | Yu Xingyu | Liu Guantong | Chen Fei | Lin Hongfei
Proceedings of the 22nd Chinese National Conference on Computational Linguistics

“Zero-shot stance detection intends to detect previously unseen targets’ stances in the testingphase. However, achieving this goal can be difficult, as it requires minimizing the domain trans-fer between different targets, and improving the model’s inference and generalization abilities. To address this challenge, we propose an adversarial network with external knowledge (ANEK)model. Specifically, we adopt adversarial learning based on pre-trained models to learn transfer-able knowledge from the source targets, thereby enabling the model to generalize well to unseentargets. Additionally, we incorporate sentiment information and common sense knowledge intothe contextual representation to further enhance the model’s understanding. Experimental re-sults on several datasets reveal that our method achieves excellent performance, demonstratingits validity and feasibility.”