Zhenxing Wang


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Optimizing Lifelong Fine-Tuning for Multiple Tasks via Dataless Distribution Replay
Zhenxing Wang
Proceedings of the 31st International Conference on Computational Linguistics

The recent emergence of various large language models, which can be fine-tuned with minimal instruction data, has demonstrated impressive performance across various tasks. However, a phenomenon of forgetting occurs during life- long fine-tuning because training on new tasks interferes with the previously acquired knowl- edge. To mitigate catastrophic forgetting, con- ventional data replay methods achieve high per- formance, but at the cost of compromising data privacy and security. This paper introduces a dataless distribution replay approach for life- long fine-tuning. Concretely, the distribution distillation is applied to replay the output dis- tribution of the linear layers at previous task stages. The optimal solution for this distri- bution replay can be directly computed using the retained inner product matrix of the input data, thereby eliminating the need for previ- ous data. Additionally, Singular Value Decom- position (SVD) and module accumulation are employed to further enhance the performance of dataless distribution replay method. Finally, the evaluation is conducted in a lifelong fine- tuning scenario involving multiple tasks. The experimental results and analysis show that the proposed method achieves significant improve- ments compared to several strong lifelong fine- tuning methods.


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Which Performs Better on In-Vocabulary Word Segmentation: Based on Word or Character?
Zhenxing Wang | Changning Huang | Jingbo Zhu
Proceedings of the Sixth SIGHAN Workshop on Chinese Language Processing

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The Character-based CRF Segmenter of MSRA&NEU for the 4th Bakeoff
Zhenxing Wang | Changning Huang | Jingbo Zhu
Proceedings of the Sixth SIGHAN Workshop on Chinese Language Processing


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Designing Special Post-Processing Rules for SVM-Based Chinese Word Segmentation
Muhua Zhu | Yilin Wang | Zhenxing Wang | Huizhen Wang | Jingbo Zhu
Proceedings of the Fifth SIGHAN Workshop on Chinese Language Processing