Knowledge graph embedding (KGE) aims to embed entities and relations as vectors in a continuous space and has proven to be effective for KG tasks. Recently, graph neural networks (GNN) based KGEs gain much attention due to their strong capability of encoding complex graph structures. However, most GNN-based KGEs are directly optimized based on the instance triples in KGs, ignoring the latent concepts and hierarchies of the entities. Though some works explicitly inject concepts and hierarchies into models, they are limited to predefined concepts and hierarchies, which are missing in a lot of KGs. Thus in this paper, we propose a novel framework with KG Pooling and unpooling and Contrastive Learning (KGPCL) to abstract and encode the latent concepts for better KG prediction. Specifically, with an input KG, we first construct a U-KG through KG pooling and unpooling. KG pooling abstracts the input graph to a smaller graph as a pooled graph, and KG unpooling recovers the input graph from the pooled graph. Then we model the U-KG with relational KGEs to get the representations of entities and relations for prediction. Finally, we propose the local and global contrastive loss to jointly enhance the representation of entities. Experimental results show that our models outperform the KGE baselines on link prediction task.
The automatic generation of music comments is of great significance for increasing the popularity of music and the music platform’s activity. In human music comments, there exists high distinction and diverse perspectives for the same song. In other words, for a song, different comments stem from different musical perspectives. However, to date, this characteristic has not been considered well in research on automatic comment generation. The existing methods tend to generate common and meaningless comments. In this paper, we propose an effective multi-perspective strategy to enhance the diversity of the generated comments. The experiment results on two music comment datasets show that our proposed model can effectively generate a series of diverse music comments based on different perspectives, which outperforms state-of-the-art baselines by a substantial margin.
Rhetoric is a vital element in modern poetry, and plays an essential role in improving its aesthetics. However, to date, it has not been considered in research on automatic poetry generation. In this paper, we propose a rhetorically controlled encoder-decoder for modern Chinese poetry generation. Our model relies on a continuous latent variable as a rhetoric controller to capture various rhetorical patterns in an encoder, and then incorporates rhetoric-based mixtures while generating modern Chinese poetry. For metaphor and personification, an automated evaluation shows that our model outperforms state-of-the-art baselines by a substantial margin, while human evaluation shows that our model generates better poems than baseline methods in terms of fluency, coherence, meaningfulness, and rhetorical aesthetics.