COLING 1973 Volume 2: Computational And Mathematical Linguistics: Proceedings of the International Conference on Computational Linguistics
- Anthology ID:
- C73-2
- Month:
- Year:
- 1973
- Address:
- Venue:
- SIG:
- Publisher:
- URL:
- DOI:
Frequency and Age as Characteristics of a Word
M. V. Arapov
M. M. Herz
The Frequency Distribution of English Syntagms
Ralph D. Beebe
A Mechanism of the Analyticity Development in a Language. Elements of the Theory and the Computer Experiment
V.N. Beloozerov
A.A. Polikarpov
A Computational Investigation on the Perception and Acquisition of Aspiration
Tej K. Bhatia
Working on the Italian Machine Dictionary: A Semantic Approach
Nicoletta Calzolari
Laura Pecchia
Antonio Zampolli
Verbal Behaviour of the Psychotic and Psychoneurotic Patients: An Approach According to the Methodology of Computational Linguistics
P. Castrogiovanni
L. Moretti
G. De Lisio
Computational Description of the Kazakh Language
Askar Dzhubanov
Bakhitdzhan Khasnov
The Quantitative Syntagmatic Analysis of the Russian and Polish Phonological Systems
F. Knowles
Le Projet Hippo: Recherche En Automatisation De Donnees Stylometriques a Partir De L’oeuvre D’Hippocrate
Gilles Maloney
Proportion Between Number of Words and Number of Forms in the Works of the “Index Thomisticus”
Franco Meletti S. J.
Determinations Dialinguistiques De Genre Litteraire
Simone Monsonego
Emese Kis
Automatic Pattern Recognition Applied to Semantic Problems
R. G. Piotrowski
I. V. Palibina
Experience De Constitution D’un Programme D’apprentissage Pour Le Traitement Automatique Du Langage
A. Andreewsky
C. Fluhr
Algorithmes De Generation Automatique Experience De Generation Des Phrases Simples Du Francais
A. Andreewsky
C. Fluhr
J. Rambousek
Towards Computer Systems for Conversing in Polish
Janusz Stanislaw Bien
The Automatic Syntactic Analysis as an Aid in Dictionary Making
Ignacio del Campo
Isabel Gonzales
Mª Teresa Molina
Francisco Marcos
Traduction Automatique En Utilisant a Une Grammaire En Chaine
Richard Castanet
Sylvain Vaturi
Un Analyseur Syntaxique Interactif Pour La Communication Homme-Machine
Jacques Courtin
Morphological Analysis
Martin Kay
An Algorithm of Limited Syntax Based on Language Universals
Peter Kummel
Automatic Analysis of the German Noun Group and Some Problems
Gerd Lau
Hans Dieter Lutz
Morphological Analysis as a Step in Automated Syntactic Analysis of a Text
Gustav Leunbach
Segmentation of French Sentences
Bente Maegaard
Ebbe Spang-Hanssen
An Interactive System for Stem-Suffix Discrimination in Italian Words
M. Mennucci
E. Morreale
An Application Du Systeme A.T.E.F. A L’analyse Morphologique De Textes Russes
Nicolas Nedobejkine
Computer-Assisted Morphological Analysis of Ancient Greek
David W. Packard
Computational Linguistics and Linguistic Theory
Jean Pierre Paillet
Transformational Grammar and Transformational Parsing in the REQUEST System
Warren J. Plath
Analyse Automatique De Textes Par Un Systeme D’etats Finis
Maurice Quezel-Ambrunaz
Pierre Guillaume
On Using Semantic Data in Automatic Syntactic Analysis
Morris Salkoff
From Numbers to Numerals and Vice Versa
Bengt Sigurd
The Automatically Built Up Homograph Dictionary a Component of a Dynamic Lexical System
Heinz J. Weber