Proceedings of the 14th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics, volume 2: Short Papers
Shuly Wintner, Stefan Riezler, Sharon Goldwater (Editors)
- Anthology ID:
- E14-4
- Month:
- April
- Year:
- 2014
- Address:
- Gothenburg, Sweden
- Venue:
- SIG:
- Publisher:
- Association for Computational Linguistics
- URL:
- DOI:
- 10.3115/v1/E14-4
- PDF:
Proceedings of the 14th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics, volume 2: Short Papers
Shuly Wintner
Stefan Riezler
Sharon Goldwater
Easy Web Search Results Clustering: When Baselines Can Reach State-of-the-Art Algorithms
Jose G. Moreno
Gaël Dias
Propagation Strategies for Building Temporal Ontologies
Mohammed Hasanuzzaman
Gaël Dias
Stéphane Ferrari
Yann Mathet
Chinese Open Relation Extraction for Knowledge Acquisition
Yuen-Hsien Tseng
Lung-Hao Lee
Shu-Yen Lin
Bo-Shun Liao
Mei-Jun Liu
Hsin-Hsi Chen
Oren Etzioni
Anthony Fader
Temporal Text Ranking and Automatic Dating of Texts
Vlad Niculae
Marcos Zampieri
Liviu Dinu
Alina Maria Ciobanu
Measuring the Similarity between Automatically Generated Topics
Nikolaos Aletras
Mark Stevenson
Projecting the Knowledge Graph to Syntactic Parsing
Andrea Gesmundo
Keith Hall
A Vague Sense Classifier for Detecting Vague Definitions in Ontologies
Panos Alexopoulos
John Pavlopoulos
Chasing Hypernyms in Vector Spaces with Entropy
Enrico Santus
Alessandro Lenci
Qin Lu
Sabine Schulte im Walde
Tight Integration of Speech Disfluency Removal into SMT
Eunah Cho
Jan Niehues
Alex Waibel
Non-Monotonic Parsing of Fluent Umm I mean Disfluent Sentences
Mohammad Sadegh Rasooli
Joel Tetreault
Lightly-Supervised Word Sense Translation Error Detection for an Interactive Conversational Spoken Language Translation System
Dennis Mehay
Sankaranarayanan Ananthakrishnan
Sanjika Hewavitharana
Map Translation Using Geo-tagged Social Media
Sunyou Lee
Taesung Lee
Seung-won Hwang
Predicting Romanian Stress Assignment
Alina Maria Ciobanu
Anca Dinu
Liviu Dinu
Passive-Aggressive Sequence Labeling with Discriminative Post-Editing for Recognising Person Entities in Tweets
Leon Derczynski
Kalina Bontcheva
Accelerated Estimation of Conditional Random Fields using a Pseudo-Likelihood-inspired Perceptron Variant
Teemu Ruokolainen
Miikka Silfverberg
Mikko Kurimo
Krister Linden
Deterministic Word Segmentation Using Maximum Matching with Fully Lexicalized Rules
Manabu Sassano
Painless Semi-Supervised Morphological Segmentation using Conditional Random Fields
Teemu Ruokolainen
Oskar Kohonen
Sami Virpioja
Mikko Kurimo
Inference of Phrase-Based Translation Models via Minimum Description Length
Jesús González-Rubio
Francisco Casacuberta
Chinese Native Language Identification
Shervin Malmasi
Mark Dras
Unsupervised Parsing for Generating Surface-Based Relation Extraction Patterns
Jens Illig
Benjamin Roth
Dietrich Klakow
Automatic Selection of Reference Pages in Wikipedia for Improving Targeted Entities Disambiguation
Takuya Makino
Using a Random Forest Classifier to Compile Bilingual Dictionaries of Technical Terms from Comparable Corpora
Georgios Kontonatsios
Ioannis Korkontzelos
Jun’ichi Tsujii
Sophia Ananiadou
Comparing methods for deriving intensity scores for adjectives
Josef Ruppenhofer
Michael Wiegand
Jasper Brandes
Bayesian Word Alignment for Massively Parallel Texts
Robert Östling
Acquiring a Dictionary of Emotion-Provoking Events
Hoa Trong Vu
Graham Neubig
Sakriani Sakti
Tomoki Toda
Satoshi Nakamura
Chinese Temporal Tagging with HeidelTime
Hui Li
Jannik Strötgen
Julian Zell
Michael Gertz
A Probabilistic Approach to Persian Ezafe Recognition
Habibollah Asghari
Jalal Maleki
Heshaam Faili
Converting Russian Dependency Treebank to Stanford Typed Dependencies Representation
Janna Lipenkova
Milan Souček
Integrating an Unsupervised Transliteration Model into Statistical Machine Translation
Nadir Durrani
Hassan Sajjad
Hieu Hoang
Philipp Koehn
Improving Dependency Parsers with Supertags
Hiroki Ouchi
Kevin Duh
Yuji Matsumoto
Improving Dependency Parsers using Combinatory Categorial Grammar
Bharat Ram Ambati
Tejaswini Deoskar
Mark Steedman
Fast and Accurate Unlexicalized Parsing via Structural Annotations
Maximilian Schlund
Michael Luttenberger
Javier Esparza
Data Driven Language Transfer Hypotheses
Ben Swanson
Eugene Charniak
Simple and Effective Approach for Consistent Training of Hierarchical Phrase-based Translation Models
Stephan Peitz
David Vilar
Hermann Ney
Some Experiments with a Convex IBM Model 2
Andrei Simion
Michael Collins
Cliff Stein
Active Learning for Post-Editing Based Incrementally Retrained MT
Aswarth Abhilash Dara
Josef van Genabith
Qun Liu
John Judge
Antonio Toral
Analysis and Prediction of Unalignable Words in Parallel Text
Frances Yung
Kevin Duh
Yuji Matsumoto
Enhancing Authorship Attribution By Utilizing Syntax Tree Profiles
Michael Tschuggnall
Günther Specht
Multi-Domain Sentiment Relevance Classification with Automatic Representation Learning
Christian Scheible
Hinrich Schütze
A New Entity Salience Task with Millions of Training Examples
Jesse Dunietz
Daniel Gillick
Finding middle ground? Multi-objective Natural Language Generation from time-series data
Dimitra Gkatzia
Helen Hastie
Oliver Lemon
One Sense per Tweeter ... and Other Lexical Semantic Tales of Twitter
Spandana Gella
Paul Cook
Timothy Baldwin
Zero subject detection for Polish
Mateusz Kopeć
Crowdsourcing Annotation of Non-Local Semantic Roles
Parvin Sadat Feizabadi
Sebastian Padó
Coreference Resolution Evaluation for Higher Level Applications
Don Tuggener
Efficient Online Summarization of Microblogging Streams
Andrei Olariu