American Journal of Computational Linguistics (November 1975)
David G. Hays (Editor)
- Anthology ID:
- J75-4
- Month:
- November
- Year:
- 1975
- Address:
- Venue:
- CL
- SIG:
- Publisher:
- URL:
- DOI:
American Journal of Computational Linguistics (November 1975)
David G. Hays
The FINITE STRING, Volume 12, Number 5
Computer Generation of Sentences by Systemic Grammar
John Self
Interpretation and Integration of Sentences into a C-Net
Th. R. Hofmann
The FINITE STRING, Volume 12, Number 6
Review: Computers in the Humanities, by J. L. Mitchell, Editor
Edith J. Hols
Dan Burrows
The FINITE STRING, Volume 12, Number 6 (continued)
A Case-Driven Parser for Natural Language
Brock H. Taylor
Richard S. Rosenberg
PEDAGLOT and Understanding Natural Language Processing
William Fabens
A General System for Semantic Analysis of English and its Use in Drawing Maps from Directions
Jerry R. Hobbs
An Adaptive Natural Language Parser
Perry L. Miller
Conceptual Grammar [abstract]
William A. Martin
Semantic-Based Parsing and a Natural-Language Interface for Interactive Data Management
John F. Burger
Antonio Leal
Arie Shoshani
PHLIQA 1: Multilevel Semantics in Question Answering
P. Medema
W. J. Bronnenberg
H. C. Bunt
S. P. J. Landsbergen
R. J. H. Scha
W. J. Schoenmakers
E. P. C. van Utteren
A Framework for Writing Generation Grammars for Interactive Computer Programs
David McDonald
Incremental Sentence Processing
Rodger Knaus
A Lexical Process Model of Nominal Compounding in English
James R. Rhyne
Generation as Parsing from a Network into a Linear String
Stuart C. Shapiro
Speech Generation from Semantic Nets
Jonathan Slocum
Using Planning Structures to Generate Stories
James R. Meehan
Syntactic Processing in the BBN Speech Understanding System [abstract]
Madeline Bates
System Integration and Control in a Speech Understanding System
William H. Paxton
Ann E. Robinson
A Tuneable Performance Grammar
Jane J. Robinson
Semantic Processing for Speech Understanding
Gary G. Hendrix
SPS: A Formalism for Semantic Interpretation and its Use in Processing Prepositions that Reference Space
Norman K. Sondheimer
Doyt Perry
The Nature and Computational Use of a Meaning Representation for Word Concepts
Nick Cercone
Establishing Context in Task-Oriented Dialogs
Barbara G. Deutsch
Discourse Models and Language Comprehension
Bertram C. Bruce
Judging the Coherency of Discourse
Brian Phillips
An Approach to the Organization of Mundane World Knowledge: The Generation and Management of Scripts
R. E. Cullingford
The Conceptual Description of Physical Activities
Norman Badler
A Frame Analysis of American Sign Language
Judy Anne Kegl
Nancy Chinchor
Contextual Reference Resolution
David Klappholz
Abe Lockman
How Does a System Know When to Stop Inferencing?
Stan Rosenschein
Developing a Computer System to Handle Inherently Variable Linguistic Data
D. Beckles
L. Carrington
G. Warner
C. Borely
H. Knight
P. Aquing
J. Marquez
A Natural Language Processing Package
David Brill
Beatrice T. Oshika
On the Role of Words and Phrases in Automatic Text Analysis [abstract]
G Salton
Grammatical Compression in Notes and Records: Analysis and Computation
Barbara B. Anderson
Naomi Sager