Proceedings of the 9th Conference on Theoretical and Methodological Issues in Machine Translation of Natural Languages: Papers
- Anthology ID:
- 2002.tmi-papers
- Month:
- March 13-17
- Year:
- 2002
- Address:
- Keihanna, Japan
- Venue:
- SIG:
- Publisher:
- URL:
- DOI:
Building up the lexicon: how Japanese children learn meanings to novel nouns and verbs
Mutsumia Imai
Etsuko Haryu
Hiroyuki Okada
Alternation-based lexicon reconstruction
Timothy Baldwin
Francis Bond
Corpus-driven splitting of compound words
Ralf Brown
Two experiments in situated MT
Jim Cowie
Sergei Nirenburg
Stone soup translation
Paul C. Davis
Chris Brew
A method of adding new entries to a valency dictionary by exploiting existing lexical resources
Sanae Fujita
Francis Bond
Incremental construction and maintenance of morphological analysers based on augmented letter transducers
Alicia Garrido-Alenda
Mikel L. Forcada
Rafael C. Carrasco
Extracting semantic classes and morphosyntactic features for English-Polish machine translation
Barbara Gawronska
Björn Erlendsson
Hanna Duczak
Application of translation knowledge acquired by hierarchical phrase alignment for pattern-based MT
Kenji Imamura
An iterative algorithm for translation acquisition of adpositions
Hiroshi Kanayama
An experimental mutlilingual bi-directional speech translation system
Tomohiro Konuma
Kenji Matsui
Yumi Wakita
Kenji Mizutani
Mitsuru Endo
Masashi Murata
Sign language generation using HPSG
Ian Marshall
Éva Sáfár
Pronominal anaphora resolution in the KANTOO multilingual machine translation system
Teruko Mitamura
Eric Nyberg
Enrique Torrejon
Dave Svoboda
Annelen Brunner
Kathryn Baker
Correction of errors in a modality corpus used for machine translation using machine-learning
Masaki Murata
Masao Utiyama
Kiyotaka Uchimoto
Qing Ma
Hitoshi Isahara
Grammar for ellipsis resolution in Japanese
Shigeko Nariyama
Machine translation without a bilingual dictionary
Jessie Pinkham
Martine Smets
Challenges in automated elicitation of a controlled bilingual corpus
Katharina Probst
Lori Levin
Sentence generation for pattern-based machine translation
Koichi Takeda
Rapid adaptive development of semantic analysis grammars
Alicia Tribble
Alon Lavie
Lori Levin
Statistical machine translation based on hierarchical phrase alignment
Taro Watanabe
Kenji Imamura
Eiichiro Sumita
Corpus-assisted expansion of manual MT knowledge:
Setsuo Yamada
Kenji Imamura
Kazuhide Yamamoto