Proceedings of the 25th Conference on Computational Linguistics and Speech Processing (ROCLING 2013)

Hung-Duen Yang, Wen-Lian Hsu, Chia-Ping Chen (Editors)

Anthology ID:
Kaohsiung, Taiwan
The Association for Computational Linguistics and Chinese Language Processing (ACLCLP)
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Proceedings of the 25th Conference on Computational Linguistics and Speech Processing (ROCLING 2013)
Hung-Duen Yang | Wen-Lian Hsu | Chia-Ping Chen

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改良語句模型技術於節錄式語音摘要之研究 (Improved Sentence Modeling Techniques for Extractive Speech Summarization) [In Chinese]
Shih-Hung Liu | Kuan-Yu Chen | Hsin-Min Wang | Wen-Lian Hsu | Berlin Chen

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分頻式調變頻譜分解於強健性語音辨識 (Sub-band modulation spectrum factorization in robust speech recognition) [In Chinese]
Hao-teng Fan | Yi-zhang Cai | Jeih-weih Hung

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使用語音評分技術輔助台語語料的驗證 (Using Speech Assessment Technique for the Validation of Taiwanese Speech Corpus) [In Chinese]
Yu-Jhe Li | Chung-Che Wang | Liang-Yu Chen | Jyh-Shing Roger Jang | Ren-Yuan Lyu

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基於Sphinx 可快速個人化行動數字語音辨識系統 (Quickly Personalizable Mobile Digit Speech Recognition System Based on Sphinx) [In Chinese]
Tsung-Peng Yen | Chia-Ping Chen

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機器翻譯為本的中文拼字改錯系統 (Chinese Spelling Checker Based on Statistical Machine Translation)
Hsun-wen Chiu | Jian-cheng Wu | Jason S. Chang

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Detecting English Grammatical Errors based on Machine Translation
Jim Chang | Jiancheng Wu | Jason S. Chang

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Selecting Proper Lexical Paraphrase for Children
Tomoyuki Kajiwara | Hiroshi Matsumoto | Kazuhide Yamamoto

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合成單元與問題集之定義於隱藏式馬可夫模型中文歌聲合成系統之建立 (Synthesis Unit and Question Set Definition for Mandarin HMM-based Singing Voice Synthesis)
Ju-Yun Cheng | Yi-Chin Huang | Chung-Hsien Wu

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基於時域上基週同步疊加法之歌聲合成系統 (Singing Voice Synthesis System Based on Time Domain-Pitch Synchronized Overlap and Add) [In Chinese]
Ming-Kuan Wu | Chia-Ping Chen

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基於音段式LMR 對映之語音轉換方法的改進 (Improving of Segmental LMR-Mapping Based Voice Conversion Methods) [In Chinese]
Hung-Yan Gu | Jia-Wei Chang

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中英文的文字蘊涵與閱讀測驗的初步探索 (An Exploration of Textual Entailment and Reading Comprehension for Chinese and English) [In Chinese]
Wei-Jie Huang | Po-Cheng Lin | Chao-Lin Liu

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蘊涵句型分析於改進中文文字蘊涵識別系統 (Entailment Analysis for Improving Chinese Recognizing Textual Entailment System) [In Chinese]
Shan-Shun Yang | Shih-Hung Wu | Liang-Pu Chen | Hung-Sheng Chiu | Ren-Dar Yang

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A Semantic-Based Approach to Noun-Noun Compound Interpretation
You-shan Chung | Keh-Jiann Chen

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改良調變頻譜統計圖等化法於強健性語音辨識之研究 (Improved Modulation Spectrum Histogram Equalization for Robust Speech Recognition) [In Chinese]
Yu-Chen Kao | Berlin Chen

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雜訊環境下應用線性估測編碼於特徵時序列之強健性語音辨識 (Employing linear prediction coding in feature time sequences for robust speech recognition in noisy environments) [In Chinese]
Hao-teng Fan | Wen-yu Tseng | Jeih-weih Hung

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結合I-Vector 及深層神經網路之語者驗證系統 (Text-independent Speaker Verification using a Hybrid I-Vector/DNN Approach) [In Chinese]
Yun-Fan Chang | Yu Tsao | Shao-Hua Cheng | Kai-Hsuan Chan | Chia-Wei Liao | Wen-Tsung Chang

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混合聲音事件驗證在家庭自動化之應用 (Home environmental sound recognition) [In Chinese]
Chang-Hong Lin | Ernestasia Siahaan | Bo-Wei Chen | Hsiang-Lung Chuang | Wen-Chi Hsieh | Jia-Ching Wang

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以狄式分佈為基礎之多語聲學模型拆分及合併 (Multilingual Acoustic Model Splitting and Merging by Latent Dirichlet Allocation) [In Chinese]
Jui-Feng Yeh | Sheng-Feng Li | Shi-Sheng Shiu

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基於意見詞修飾關係之微網誌情感分析技術 (Microblog Sentiment Analysis based on Opinion Target Modifying Relations) [In Chinese]
Jenq-Haur Wang | Ting-Wei Ye

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主要漢字形聲字發音規則探勘與視覺化 (Primary Chinese Semantic-Phonetic Compounds Pronunciation Rules Mining and Visualization) [In Chinese]
Chien-Hui Hsu | Meng-Feng Tsai | Chia-Hui Chang | Hsiang-Mei Liao | Shu-Ping Li | Denise H. Wu

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語料庫導向之方位短句於固定框架的共現概念統計分析 (A Corpus-driven Pattern Analysis in Locative Phrases: A Statistical Comparison of Co-appearing Concepts in Fixed Frames) [In Chinese]
August F.Y. Chao | Siaw-Fong Chung

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A simple real-word error detection and correction using local word bigram and trigram
Pratip Samanta | Bidyut B. Chaudhuri

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結合關鍵詞驗證及語者驗證之雲端身份驗證系統 (A Cloud Speaker Authentication System Based on Keyword Verification and Speaker Verification) [In Chinese]
Yi-Chin Chiu | Chuan-Yen Fan | Bor-Shen Lin

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Causing Emotion in Collocation:An Exploratory Data Analysis
Pei-Yu Lu | Yu-Yun Chang | Shu-Kai Hsieh

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Observing Features of PTT Neologisms: A Corpus-driven Study with N-gram Model
Tsun-Jui Liu | Shu-Kai Hsieh | Laurent Prevot

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Variability in vowel formant frequencies of children with cerebral palsy
Li-mei Chen | Yung-Chieh Lin | Wei Chen Hsu | Fang-hsin Liao

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基於特徵為本及使用SVM 的文本對蘊涵關係的自動推論方法 (Textual Entailment Recognition Using Textual Features and SVM) [In Chinese]
Tao-Hsing Chang | Yao-Chi Hsu | Chung-Wei Chang | Yao-Chuan Hsu | Hsueh-Chih Chen

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Constructing Social Intentional Corpora to Predict Click-Through Rate for Search Advertising
Yi-Ting Chen | Hung-Yu Kao

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Location and Activity Recommendation by Using Consecutive Itinerary Matching Model
Jiun-Shian Liu | Wen-Hsiang Lu