Named Entities Workshop (2015)


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Proceedings of the Fifth Named Entity Workshop

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Proceedings of the Fifth Named Entity Workshop
Xiangyu Duan | Rafael E. Banchs | Min Zhang | Haizhou Li | A Kumaran

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Whitepaper of NEWS 2015 Shared Task on Machine Transliteration
Min Zhang | Haizhou Li | Rafael E. Banchs | A Kumaran

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Report of NEWS 2015 Machine Transliteration Shared Task
Rafael E. Banchs | Min Zhang | Xiangyu Duan | Haizhou Li | A. Kumaran

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How do you spell that? A journey through word representations
Greg Kondrak

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Boosting Named Entity Recognition with Neural Character Embeddings
Cícero dos Santos | Victor Guimarães

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Regularity and Flexibility in English-Chinese Name Transliteration
Oi Yee Kwong

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HAREM and Klue: how to put two tagsets for named entities annotation together
Livy Real | Alexandre Rademaker

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Semi-supervised Learning for Vietnamese Named Entity Recognition using Online Conditional Random Fields
Quang Hong Pham | Minh-Le Nguyen | Binh Thanh Nguyen | Nguyen Viet Cuong

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Boosting English-Chinese Machine Transliteration via High Quality Alignment and Multilingual Resources
Yan Shao | Jörg Tiedemann | Joakim Nivre

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Neural Network Transduction Models in Transliteration Generation
Andrew Finch | Lemao Liu | Xiaolin Wang | Eiichiro Sumita

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A Hybrid Transliteration Model for Chinese/English Named Entities —BJTU-NLP Report for the 5th Named Entities Workshop
Dandan Wang | Xiaohui Yang | Jinan Xu | Yufeng Chen | Nan Wang | Bojia Liu | Jian Yang | Yujie Zhang

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Multiple System Combination for Transliteration
Garrett Nicolai | Bradley Hauer | Mohammad Salameh | Adam St Arnaud | Ying Xu | Lei Yao | Grzegorz Kondrak

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Data representation methods and use of mined corpora for Indian language transliteration
Anoop Kunchukuttan | Pushpak Bhattacharyya

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NCU IISR English-Korean and English-Chinese Named Entity Transliteration Using Different Grapheme Segmentation Approaches
Yu-Chun Wang | Chun-Kai Wu | Richard Tzong-Han Tsai