SIGDial Conference (2001)


bib (full) Proceedings of the Second SIGdial Workshop on Discourse and Dialogue

Proceedings of the Second SIGdial Workshop on Discourse and Dialogue

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Annotations and Tools for an Activity Based Spoken Language Corpus
Jens Allwood | Leif Groenqvist | Elisabeth Ahlsen | Magnus Gunnarsson

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Variant Transduction: A Method for Rapid Development of Interactive Spoken Interfaces
Hiyan Alshawi | Shona Douglas

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Development of a Machine Learnable Discourse Tagging Tool
Masahiro Araki | Yukihiko Kimura | Takuya Nishimoto | Yasuhisa Niimi

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Against the Identification of Anaphora and Presupposition
Peter Bosch

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Building a Discourse-Tagged Corpus in the Framework of Rhetorical Structure Theory
Lynn Carlson | Daniel Marcu | Mary Ellen Okurovsky

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An Empirical Study of Speech Recognition Errors in a Task-Oriented Dialogue System
Marc Cavazza

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Comparing Several Aspects of Human-Computer and Human-Human Dialogues
Christine Doran | John Aberdeen | Laurie Damianos | Lynette Hirschman

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Generating Full Paraphrases of Fragments in a Dialogue Interpretation System
Christian Ebert | Shalom Lappin | Howard Gregory | Nicolas Nicolov

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Automated Tutoring Dialogues for Training in Shipboard Damage Control
John Fry | Matt Ginzton | Stanley Peters | Brady Clark | Heather Pon-Barry

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Labeling Corrections and Aware Sites in Spoken Dialogue Systems
Julia Hirschberg | Marc Swerts | Diane Litman

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Confidence-Based Adaptivity in Response Generation for a Spoken Dialogue System
Kristiina Jokinen | Graham Wilcock

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Annotating Anaphoric and Bridging Relations with MMAX
Christoph Mueller | Michael Strube

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A Study of Automatic Pitch Tracker Doubling/Halving “Errors”
Kathleen Murray

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Empirical Methods for Evaluating Dialog Systems
Tim Paek

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Integration of Referential Scope Limitations into Japanese Pronoun Resolution
Michael Paul | Eiichiro Sumita

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On the Means for Clarification in Dialogue
Matthew Purver | Jonathan Ginzburg | Patrick Healey

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Plug and Play Speech Understanding
Manny Rayner | Ian Lewin | Genevieve Gorrell | Johan Boye

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Designing Confirmation Mechanisms and Error Recover Techniques in a Railway Information System for Spanish
Ruben San-Segundo | Juan Manuel Montero | Jose Manuel Pardo

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A Telephone-Based Railway Information System for Spanish: Development of a Methodology for Spoken Dialogue Design
Ruben San-Segundo | Juan M. Montero | Juana M. Guitierrez | Ascension Gallardo | Jose D. Romeral | Jose M. Pardo

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A Hybrid Approach to the Development of Dialogue Systems directed by Semantics
Emilio Sanchis | Isabel Galiano | Fernando Garcia | Antonio Cano

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Reconciling Initiative and Discourse Structure
Susan E. Strayer | Peter A. Heeman

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Adding Extra Input/Output Modalities to a Spoken Dialogue System
Janienke Sturm | Fusi Wang | Bert Cranen

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Toward a Large Spontaneous Mandarin Dialogue Corpus
Shu-Chuan Tseng

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Conversational Implicatures
Robert van Rooy

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Melodic Cues to Turn-Taking in English: Evidence from Perception
Anne Wichmann | Johanneke Caspers

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A Corpus Study of Evaluative and Speculative Language
Janyce Wiebe | Rebecca Bruce | Matthew Bell | Melanie Martin | Theresa Wilson

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Dialogue Tagsets in Oncology
Mary McGee Wood

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Visualizing Spoken Discourse: Prosodic Form and Discourse Functions of Interruptions
Li-chiung Yang

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Spoken Dialogue Control Based on a Turn-minimization Criterion Depending on the Speech Recognition Accuracy
Norihi Yasuda | Kohji Dohsaka | Kiyoaki Aikawa