The rapid advancement of large language models (LLMs) has highlighted the need for robust evaluation frameworks that assess their core capabilities, such as reasoning, knowledge, and commonsense, leading to the inception of certain widely-used benchmark suites such as the H6 benchmark. However, these benchmark suites are primarily built for the English language, and there exists a lack thereof for under-represented languages, in terms of LLM development, such as Thai. On the other hand, developing LLMs for Thai should also include enhancing the cultural understanding as well as core capabilities. To address these dual challenge in Thai LLM research, we propose two key benchmarks: Thai-H6 and Thai Cultural and Linguistic Intelligence Benchmark (ThaiCLI). Through a thorough evaluation of various LLMs with multi-lingual capabilities, we provide a comprehensive analysis of the proposed benchmarks and how they contribute to Thai LLM development. Furthermore, we have made both the datasets and evaluation code publicly available to encourage further research and development for Thai LLMs.
Learning job title representation is a vital process for developing automatic human resource tools. To do so, existing methods primarily rely on learning the title representation through skills extracted from the job description, neglecting the rich and diverse content within. Thus, we propose an alternative framework for learning job titles through their respective job description (JD) and utilize a Job Description Aggregator component to handle the lengthy description and bidirectional contrastive loss to account for the bidirectional relationship between the job title and its description. We evaluated the performance of our method on both in-domain and out-of-domain settings, achieving a superior performance over the skill-based approach.
In 2023, the third iteration of the DISRPT Shared Task (Discourse Relation Parsing and Treebanking) was held, dedicated to the underlying units used in discourse parsing across formalisms. Following the success of the 2019and 2021 tasks on Elementary Discourse Unit Segmentation, Connective Detection, and Relation Classification, this iteration has added 10 new corpora, including 2 new languages (Thai and Italian) and 3 discourse treebanks annotated in the discourse dependency representation in addition to the previously included frameworks: RST, SDRT, and PDTB. In this paper, we review the data included in the Shared Task, which covers 26 datasets across 13 languages, survey and compare submitted systems, and report on system performance on each task for both annotated and plain-tokenized versions of the data.
This paper presents the first Thai Nested Named Entity Recognition (N-NER) dataset. Thai N-NER consists of 264,798 mentions, 104 classes, and a maximum depth of 8 layers obtained from 4,894 documents in the domains of news articles and restaurant reviews. Our work, to the best of our knowledge, presents the largest non-English N-NER dataset and the first non-English one with fine-grained classes. To understand the new challenges our proposed dataset brings to the field, we conduct an experimental study on (i) cutting edge N-NER models with the state-of-the-art accuracy in English and (ii) baseline methods based on well-known language model architectures. From the experimental results, we obtained two key findings. First, all models produced poor F1 scores in the tail region of the class distribution. There is little or no performance improvement provided by these models with respect to the baseline methods with our Thai dataset. These findings suggest that further investigation is required to make a multilingual N-NER solution that works well across different languages.
Traditionally, Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) ingests words in a collection of documents to discover their latent topics using word-document co-occurrences. Previous studies show that representing bigrams collocations in the input can improve topic coherence in English. However, it is unclear how to achieve the best results for languages without marked word boundaries such as Chinese and Thai. Here, we explore the use of retokenization based on chi-squared measures, t-statistics, and raw frequency to merge frequent token ngrams into collocations when preparing input to the LDA model. Based on the goodness of fit and the coherence metric, we show that topics trained with merged tokens result in topic keys that are clearer, more coherent, and more effective at distinguishing topics than those of unmerged models.
Word segmentation is a challenging pre-processing step for Thai Natural Language Processing due to the lack of explicit word boundaries. The previous systems rely on powerful neural network architecture alone and ignore linguistic substructures of Thai words. We utilize the linguistic observation that Thai strings can be segmented into syllables, which should narrow down the search space for the word boundaries and provide helpful features. Here, we propose a neural Thai Word Segmenter that uses syllable embeddings to capture linguistic constraints and uses dilated CNN filters to capture the environment of each character. Within this goal, we develop the first ML-based Thai orthographical syllable segmenter, which yields syllable embeddings to be used as features by the word segmenter. Our word segmentation system outperforms the previous state-of-the-art system in both speed and accuracy on both in-domain and out-domain datasets.
We aim to provide computational evidence for the era of authorship of two important old Thai texts: Traiphumikatha and Pumratchatham. The era of authorship of these two books is still an ongoing debate among Thai literature scholars. Analysis of old Thai texts present a challenge for standard natural language processing techniques, due to the lack of corpora necessary for building old Thai word and syllable segmentation. We propose an accurate and interpretable model to classify each segment as one of the three eras of authorship (Sukhothai, Ayuddhya, or Rattanakosin) without sophisticated linguistic preprocessing. Contrary to previous hypotheses, our model suggests that both books were written during the Sukhothai era. Moreover, the second half of the Pumratchtham is uncharacteristic of the Sukhothai era, which may have confounded literary scholars in the past. Further, our model reveals that the most indicative linguistic changes stem from unidirectional grammaticalized words and polyfunctional words, which show up as most dominant features in the model.
Inferring implicit discourse relations in natural language text is the most difficult subtask in discourse parsing. Many neural network models have been proposed to tackle this problem. However, the comparison for this task is not unified, so we could hardly draw clear conclusions about the effectiveness of various architectures. Here, we propose neural network models that are based on feedforward and long-short term memory architecture and systematically study the effects of varying structures. To our surprise, the best-configured feedforward architecture outperforms LSTM-based model in most cases despite thorough tuning. Further, we compare our best feedforward system with competitive convolutional and recurrent networks and find that feedforward can actually be more effective. For the first time for this task, we compile and publish outputs from previous neural and non-neural systems to establish the standard for further comparison.