Chen Keming
A Span-level Bidirectional Network for Aspect Sentiment Triplet Extraction
Yuqi Chen
Chen Keming
Xian Sun
Zequn Zhang
Proceedings of the 2022 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing
Aspect Sentiment Triplet Extraction (ASTE) is a new fine-grained sentiment analysis task that aims to extract triplets of aspect terms, sentiments, and opinion terms from review sentences. Recently, span-level models achieve gratifying results on ASTE task by taking advantage of the predictions of all possible spans. Since all possible spans significantly increases the number of potential aspect and opinion candidates, it is crucial and challenging to efficiently extract the triplet elements among them. In this paper, we present a span-level bidirectional network which utilizes all possible spans as input and extracts triplets from spans bidirectionally. Specifically, we devise both the aspect decoder and opinion decoder to decode the span representations and extract triples from aspect-to-opinion and opinion-to-aspect directions. With these two decoders complementing with each other, the whole network can extract triplets from spans more comprehensively. Moreover, considering that mutual exclusion cannot be guaranteed between the spans, we design a similar span separation loss to facilitate the downstream task of distinguishing the correct span by expanding the KL divergence of similar spans during the training process; in the inference process, we adopt an inference strategy to remove conflicting triplets from the results base on their confidence scores. Experimental results show that our framework not only significantly outperforms state-of-the-art methods, but achieves better performance in predicting triplets with multi-token entities and extracting triplets in sentences contain multi-triplets.
LRRA:A Transparent Neural-Symbolic Reasoning Framework for Real-World Visual Question Answering
Wan Zhang
Chen Keming
Zhang Yujie
Xu Jinan
Chen Yufeng
Proceedings of the 20th Chinese National Conference on Computational Linguistics
The predominant approach of visual question answering (VQA) relies on encoding the imageand question with a ”black box” neural encoder and decoding a single token into answers suchas ”yes” or ”no”. Despite this approach’s strong quantitative results it struggles to come up withhuman-readable forms of justification for the prediction process. To address this insufficiency we propose LRRA[LookReadReasoningAnswer]a transparent neural-symbolic framework forvisual question answering that solves the complicated problem in the real world step-by-steplike humans and provides human-readable form of justification at each step. Specifically LRRAlearns to first convert an image into a scene graph and parse a question into multiple reasoning instructions. It then executes the reasoning instructions one at a time by traversing the scenegraph using a recurrent neural-symbolic execution module. Finally it generates answers to the given questions and makes corresponding marks on the image. Furthermore we believe that the relations between objects in the question is of great significance for obtaining the correct answerso we create a perturbed GQA test set by removing linguistic cues (attributes and relations) in the questions to analyze which part of the question contributes more to the answer. Our experimentson the GQA dataset show that LRRA is significantly better than the existing representative model(57.12% vs. 56.39%). Our experiments on the perturbed GQA test set show that the relations between objects is more important for answering complicated questions than the attributes ofobjects.Keywords:Visual Question Answering Relations Between Objects Neural-Symbolic Reason-ing.
Fix data
- Yuqi Chen 1
- Xu Jinan (徐金安) 1
- Xian Sun 1
- Chen Yufeng (陈钰枫) 1
- Zhang Yujie 1
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