Choongwon Park

Also published as: ChoongWon Park


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MCS-SQL: Leveraging Multiple Prompts and Multiple-Choice Selection For Text-to-SQL Generation
Dongjun Lee | Choongwon Park | Jaehyuk Kim | Heesoo Park
Proceedings of the 31st International Conference on Computational Linguistics

Recent advancements in large language models (LLMs) have enabled in-context learning (ICL)-based methods that significantly outperform fine-tuning approaches for text-to-SQL tasks. However, their performance is still considerably lower than that of human experts on benchmarks that include complex schemas and queries, such as BIRD. This study considers the sensitivity of LLMs to the prompts and introduces a novel approach that leverages multiple prompts to explore a broader search space for possible answers and effectively aggregate them. Specifically, we robustly refine the database schema through schema linking using multiple prompts. Thereafter, we generate various candidate SQL queries based on the refined schema and diverse prompts. Finally, the candidate queries are filtered based on their confidence scores, and the optimal query is obtained through a multiple-choice selection that is presented to the LLM. When evaluated on the BIRD and Spider benchmarks, the proposed method achieved execution accuracies of 65.5% and 89.6%, respectively, significantly outperforming previous ICL-based methods.


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Dunamu-ml’s Submissions on AVERITEC Shared Task
Heesoo Park | Dongjun Lee | Jaehyuk Kim | ChoongWon Park | Changhwa Park
Proceedings of the Seventh Fact Extraction and VERification Workshop (FEVER)

This paper presents the Dunamu-ml’s submission to the AVERITEC shared task of the 7th the Fact Extraction and VERification (FEVER) workshop. The task focused on discriminating whether each claim is a fact or not. Our method is powered by the combination of an LLM and a non-parametric lexicon-based method (i.e. BM25). Essentially, we augmented the list of evidences containing the query and the corresponding answers using an powerful LLM, then, retrieved the relative documents using the generated evidences. As such, our method made a great improvement over the baseline results, achieving 0.33 performance gain over the baseline in AveriTec score.