Deepak Garasangi
Neural Approaches for Data Driven Dependency Parsing in Sanskrit
Amrith Krishna
Ashim Gupta
Deepak Garasangi
Jeevnesh Sandhan
Pavankumar Satuluri
Pawan Goyal
Proceedings of the Computational Sanskrit & Digital Humanities: Selected papers presented at the 18th World Sanskrit Conference
Keep it Surprisingly Simple: A Simple First Order Graph Based Parsing Model for Joint Morphosyntactic Parsing in Sanskrit
Amrith Krishna
Ashim Gupta
Deepak Garasangi
Pavankumar Satuluri
Pawan Goyal
Proceedings of the 2020 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (EMNLP)
Morphologically rich languages seem to benefit from joint processing of morphology and syntax, as compared to pipeline architectures. We propose a graph-based model for joint morphological parsing and dependency parsing in Sanskrit. Here, we extend the Energy based model framework (Krishna et al., 2020), proposed for several structured prediction tasks in Sanskrit, in 2 simple yet significant ways. First, the framework’s default input graph generation method is modified to generate a multigraph, which enables the use of an exact search inference. Second, we prune the input search space using a linguistically motivated approach, rooted in the traditional grammatical analysis of Sanskrit. Our experiments show that the morphological parsing from our joint model outperforms standalone morphological parsers. We report state of the art results in morphological parsing, and in dependency parsing, both in standalone (with gold morphological tags) and joint morphosyntactic parsing setting.