Part-Of-Speech Sensitivity of Routers in Mixture of Experts Models
Elie Antoine
Frederic Bechet
Phillippe Langlais
Proceedings of the 31st International Conference on Computational Linguistics
This study investigates the behavior of model-integrated routers in Mixture of Experts (MoE) models, focusing on how tokens are routed based on their linguistic features, specifically Part-of-Speech (POS) tags. The goal is to explore across different MoE architectures whether experts specialize in processing tokens with similar linguistic traits. By analyzing token trajectories across experts and layers, we aim to uncover how MoE models handle linguistic information. Findings from six popular MoE models reveal expert specialization for specific POS categories, with routing paths showing high predictive accuracy for POS, highlighting the value of routing paths in characterizing tokens.
A linguistically-motivated evaluation methodology for unraveling model’s abilities in reading comprehension tasks
Elie Antoine
Frederic Bechet
Géraldine Damnati
Philippe Langlais
Proceedings of the 2024 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing
We introduce an evaluation methodology for reading comprehension tasks based on the intuition that certain examples, by the virtue of their linguistic complexity, consistently yield lower scores regardless of model size or architecture. We capitalize on semantic frame annotation for characterizing this complexity, and study seven complexity factors that may account for model’s difficulty. We first deploy this methodology on a carefully annotated French reading comprehension benchmark showing that two of those complexity factors are indeed good predictors of models’ failure, while others are less so. We further deploy our methodology on a well studied English benchmark by using chatGPT as a proxy for semantic annotation.Our study reveals that fine-grained linguistically-motivated automatic evaluation of a reading comprehension task is not only possible, but helps understand models’ abilities to handle specific linguistic characteristics of input examples. It also shows that current state-of-the-art models fail with some for those characteristics which suggests that adequately handling them requires more than merely increasing model size.
Extrinsic evaluation of question generation methods with user journey logs
Elie Antoine
Eléonore Besnehard
Frederic Bechet
Geraldine Damnati
Eric Kergosien
Arnaud Laborderie
Proceedings of the Fourth Workshop on Human Evaluation of NLP Systems (HumEval) @ LREC-COLING 2024
There is often a significant disparity between the performance of Natural Language Processing (NLP) tools as evaluated on benchmark datasets using metrics like ROUGE or BLEU, and the actual user experience encountered when employing these tools in real-world scenarios. This highlights the critical necessity for user-oriented studies aimed at evaluating user experience concerning the effectiveness of developed methodologies. A primary challenge in such “ecological” user studies is their assessment of specific configurations of NLP tools, making replication under identical conditions impractical. Consequently, their utility is limited for the automated evaluation and comparison of different configurations of the same tool. The objective of this study is to conduct an “ecological” evaluation of a question generation within the context of an external task involving document linking. To do this we conducted an "ecological" evaluation of a document linking tool in the context of the exploration of a Social Science archives and from this evaluation, we aim to derive a form of a “reference corpus” that can be used offline for the automated comparison of models and quantitative tool assessment. This corpus is available on the following link: https://gitlab.lis-lab.fr/archival-public/autogestion-qa-linking
Étude des facteurs de complexité des modèles de langage dans une tâche de compréhension de lecture à l’aide d’une expérience contrôlée sémantiquement
Elie Antoine
Frederic Bechet
Géraldine Damnati
Philippe Langlais
Actes de la 31ème Conférence sur le Traitement Automatique des Langues Naturelles, volume 1 : articles longs et prises de position
Cet article propose une méthodologie pour identifier les facteurs de complexité inhérents aux tâches de traitement automatique du langage (TAL), indépendamment de la dimension des modèles. Il montre que la performance inférieure de certains exemples est attribuable à des facteurs de complexités spécifiques. Plutôt que de procéder à des évaluations générales, nous préconisons des évaluations restreintes portant sur des tâches, des ensembles de données et des langues spécifiques, décrites de manière linguistique. Appliquée à une tâche de compréhension de texte via un corpus de questions-réponses, notre méthode met en évidence des facteurs de complexité sémantique affectant divers modèles de tailles et d’architectures différentes. En outre, nous proposons plusieurs corpus de complexité sémantique croissante dérivés de ces facteurs, avançant que l’optimisation de leur traitement dépasse la simple augmentation de la taille des modèles.
Questionner pour expliquer: construction de liens explicites entre documents par la génération automatique de questions
Elie Antoine
Hyun Jung Kang
Ismaël Rousseau
Ghislaine Azémard
Frédéric Béchet
Géraldine Damnati
Actes de CORIA-TALN 2023. Actes de la 30e Conférence sur le Traitement Automatique des Langues Naturelles (TALN), volume 4 : articles déjà soumis ou acceptés en conférence internationale
Cette article présente une méthode d’exploration de documents basée sur la création d’un ensemble synthétique de questions et de réponses portant sur le corpus, ensemble qui est ensuite utilisé pour établir des liens explicables entre les documents. Nous menons une évaluation quantitative et qualitative des questions automatiquement générées en termes de leur forme et de leur pertinence pour l’exploration de la collection. De plus, nous présentons une étude quantitative des liens obtenus grâce à notre méthode sur une collection de document provenant d’archives numérisés.
Exploring Social Sciences Archives with Explainable Document Linkage through Question Generation
Elie Antoine
Hyun Jung Kang
Ismaël Rousseau
Ghislaine Azémard
Frederic Bechet
Geraldine Damnati
Proceedings of the 7th Joint SIGHUM Workshop on Computational Linguistics for Cultural Heritage, Social Sciences, Humanities and Literature
This paper proposes a new approach for exploring digitized humanities and social sciences collections based on explainable links built from questions. Our experiments show the quality of our automatically generated questions and their relevance in a local context as well as the originality of the links produced by embeddings based on these questions. Analyses have also been performed to understand the types of questions generated on our corpus, and the related uses that can enrich the exploration. The relationships between the co-references and the questions generated, and the answers extracted from the text were also discussed and open a path for future improvements for our system in their resolution.
Génération de question à partir d’analyse sémantique pour l’adaptation non supervisée de modèles de compréhension de documents (Question generation from semantic analysis for unsupervised adaptation of document understanding models)
Elie Antoine
Jeremy Auguste
Frederic Bechet
Géraldine Damnati
Actes de la 29e Conférence sur le Traitement Automatique des Langues Naturelles. Volume 1 : conférence principale
La génération automatique de questions à partir de textes peut permettre d’obtenir des corpus d’apprentissage pour des modèles de compréhension de documents de type question/réponse sur des textes. Si cette tâche de génération est désormais appréhendée par des modèles de type séquence-àséquence basés sur de grands modèles de langage pré-entraînés, le choix des segments réponses à partir desquels seront générées les questions est l’un des principaux aspects différenciant les méthodes de génération de corpus de question/réponse. Nous proposons dans cette étude d’exploiter l’analyse sémantique de textes pour sélectionner des réponses plausibles et enrichir le processus de génération par des traits sémantiques génériques. Les questions générées sont évaluées dans leur capacité à être utilisées pour entraîner un modèle de question-réponse sur un nouveau corpus d’archives numérisées.
Question Generation and Answering for exploring Digital Humanities collections
Frederic Bechet
Elie Antoine
Jérémy Auguste
Géraldine Damnati
Proceedings of the Thirteenth Language Resources and Evaluation Conference
This paper introduces the question answering paradigm as a way to explore digitized archive collections for Social Science studies. In particular, we are interested in evaluating largely studied question generation and question answering approaches on a new type of documents, as a step forward beyond traditional benchmark evaluations. Question generation can be used as a way to provide enhanced training material for Machine Reading Question Answering algorithms but also has its own purpose in this paradigm, where relevant questions can be used as a way to create explainable links between documents. To this end, generating large amounts of question is not the only motivation, but we need to include qualitative and semantic control to the generation process. We propose a new approach for question generation, relying on a BART Transformer based generative model, for which input data are enriched by semantic constraints. Question generation and answering are evaluated on several French corpora, and the whole approach is validated on a new corpus of digitized archive collection of a French Social Science journal.