Hanseok Oh
KTRL+F: Knowledge-Augmented In-Document Search
Hanseok Oh
Haebin Shin
Miyoung Ko
Hyunji Lee
Minjoon Seo
Proceedings of the 2024 Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies (Volume 1: Long Papers)
We introduce a new problem KTRL+F, a knowledge-augmented in-document search that necessitates real-time identification of all semantic targets within a document with the awareness of external sources through a single natural query. KTRL+F addresses following unique challenges for in-document search: 1) utilizing knowledge outside the document for extended use of additional information about targets, and 2) balancing between real-time applicability with the performance.We analyze various baselines in KTRL+F and find limitations of existing models, such as hallucinations, high latency, or difficulties in leveraging external knowledge. Therefore, we propose a Knowledge-Augmented Phrase Retrieval model that shows a promising balance between speed and performance by simply augmenting external knowledge in phrase embedding. We also conduct a user study to verify whether solving KTRL+F can enhance search experience for users. It demonstrates that even with our simple model, users can reduce the time for searching with less queries and reduced extra visits to other sources for collecting evidence. We encourage the research community to work on KTRL+F to enhance more efficient in-document information access.
Nonparametric Decoding for Generative Retrieval
Hyunji Lee
JaeYoung Kim
Hoyeon Chang
Hanseok Oh
Sohee Yang
Vladimir Karpukhin
Yi Lu
Minjoon Seo
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: ACL 2023
The generative retrieval model depends solely on the information encoded in its model parameters without external memory, its information capacity is limited and fixed. To overcome the limitation, we propose Nonparametric Decoding (Np Decoding) which can be applied to existing generative retrieval models. Np Decoding uses nonparametric contextualized vocab embeddings (external memory) rather than vanilla vocab embeddings as decoder vocab embeddings. By leveraging the contextualized vocab embeddings, the generative retrieval model is able to utilize both the parametric and nonparametric space. Evaluation over 9 datasets (8 single-hop and 1 multi-hop) in the document retrieval task shows that applying Np Decoding to generative retrieval models significantly improves the performance. We also show that Np Decoding is data- and parameter-efficient, and shows high performance in the zero-shot setting.
Generative Multi-hop Retrieval
Hyunji Lee
Sohee Yang
Hanseok Oh
Minjoon Seo
Proceedings of the 2022 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing
A common practice for text retrieval is to use an encoder to map the documents and the query to a common vector space and perform a nearest neighbor search (NNS); multi-hop retrieval also often adopts the same paradigm, usually with a modification of iteratively reformulating the query vector so that it can retrieve different documents at each hop. However, such a bi-encoder approach has limitations in multi-hop settings; (1) the reformulated query gets longer as the number of hops increases, which further tightens the embedding bottleneck of the query vector, and (2) it is prone to error propagation. In this paper, we focus on alleviating these limitations in multi-hop settings by formulating the problem in a fully generative way. We propose an encoder-decoder model that performs multi-hop retrieval by simply generating the entire text sequences of the retrieval targets, which means the query and the documents interact in the language model’s parametric space rather than L2 or inner product space as in the bi-encoder approach. Our approach, Generative Multi-hop Retrieval (GMR), consistently achieves comparable or higher performance than bi-encoder models in five datasets while demonstrating superior GPU memory and storage footprint.
Fix data
- Hyunji Lee 3
- Minjoon Seo 3
- Sohee Yang 2
- Hoyeon Chang 1
- Vladimir Karpukhin 1
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