Haoyu Zhang


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Learning Language-guided Adaptive Hyper-modality Representation for Multimodal Sentiment Analysis
Haoyu Zhang | Yu Wang | Guanghao Yin | Kejun Liu | Yuanyuan Liu | Tianshu Yu
Proceedings of the 2023 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing

Though Multimodal Sentiment Analysis (MSA) proves effective by utilizing rich information from multiple sources (*e.g.,* language, video, and audio), the potential sentiment-irrelevant and conflicting information across modalities may hinder the performance from being further improved. To alleviate this, we present Adaptive Language-guided Multimodal Transformer (ALMT), which incorporates an Adaptive Hyper-modality Learning (AHL) module to learn an irrelevance/conflict-suppressing representation from visual and audio features under the guidance of language features at different scales. With the obtained hyper-modality representation, the model can obtain a complementary and joint representation through multimodal fusion for effective MSA. In practice, ALMT achieves state-of-the-art performance on several popular datasets (*e.g.,* MOSI, MOSEI and CH-SIMS) and an abundance of ablation demonstrates the validity and necessity of our irrelevance/conflict suppression mechanism.


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Divide and Denoise: Learning from Noisy Labels in Fine-Grained Entity Typing with Cluster-Wise Loss Correction
Kunyuan Pang | Haoyu Zhang | Jie Zhou | Ting Wang
Proceedings of the 60th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers)

Fine-grained Entity Typing (FET) has made great progress based on distant supervision but still suffers from label noise. Existing FET noise learning methods rely on prediction distributions in an instance-independent manner, which causes the problem of confirmation bias. In this work, we propose a clustering-based loss correction framework named Feature Cluster Loss Correction (FCLC), to address these two problems. FCLC first train a coarse backbone model as a feature extractor and noise estimator. Loss correction is then applied to each feature cluster, learning directly from the noisy labels. Experimental results on three public datasets show that FCLC achieves the best performance over existing competitive systems. Auxiliary experiments further demonstrate that FCLC is stable to hyperparameters and it does help mitigate confirmation bias. We also find that in the extreme case of no clean data, the FCLC framework still achieves competitive performance.

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End-to-End Modeling via Information Tree for One-Shot Natural Language Spatial Video Grounding
Mengze Li | Tianbao Wang | Haoyu Zhang | Shengyu Zhang | Zhou Zhao | Jiaxu Miao | Wenqiao Zhang | Wenming Tan | Jin Wang | Peng Wang | Shiliang Pu | Fei Wu
Proceedings of the 60th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers)

Natural language spatial video grounding aims to detect the relevant objects in video frames with descriptive sentences as the query. In spite of the great advances, most existing methods rely on dense video frame annotations, which require a tremendous amount of human effort. To achieve effective grounding under a limited annotation budget, we investigate one-shot video grounding and learn to ground natural language in all video frames with solely one frame labeled, in an end-to-end manner. One major challenge of end-to-end one-shot video grounding is the existence of videos frames that are either irrelevant to the language query or the labeled frame. Another challenge relates to the limited supervision, which might result in ineffective representation learning. To address these challenges, we designed an end-to-end model via Information Tree for One-Shot video grounding (IT-OS). Its key module, the information tree, can eliminate the interference of irrelevant frames based on branch search and branch cropping techniques. In addition, several self-supervised tasks are proposed based on the information tree to improve the representation learning under insufficient labeling. Experiments on the benchmark dataset demonstrate the effectiveness of our model.


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Hierarchy-Aware Global Model for Hierarchical Text Classification
Jie Zhou | Chunping Ma | Dingkun Long | Guangwei Xu | Ning Ding | Haoyu Zhang | Pengjun Xie | Gongshen Liu
Proceedings of the 58th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics

Hierarchical text classification is an essential yet challenging subtask of multi-label text classification with a taxonomic hierarchy. Existing methods have difficulties in modeling the hierarchical label structure in a global view. Furthermore, they cannot make full use of the mutual interactions between the text feature space and the label space. In this paper, we formulate the hierarchy as a directed graph and introduce hierarchy-aware structure encoders for modeling label dependencies. Based on the hierarchy encoder, we propose a novel end-to-end hierarchy-aware global model (HiAGM) with two variants. A multi-label attention variant (HiAGM-LA) learns hierarchy-aware label embeddings through the hierarchy encoder and conducts inductive fusion of label-aware text features. A text feature propagation model (HiAGM-TP) is proposed as the deductive variant that directly feeds text features into hierarchy encoders. Compared with previous works, both HiAGM-LA and HiAGM-TP achieve significant and consistent improvements on three benchmark datasets.


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Pretraining-Based Natural Language Generation for Text Summarization
Haoyu Zhang | Jingjing Cai | Jianjun Xu | Ji Wang
Proceedings of the 23rd Conference on Computational Natural Language Learning (CoNLL)

In this paper, we propose a novel pretraining-based encoder-decoder framework, which can generate the output sequence based on the input sequence in a two-stage manner. For the encoder of our model, we encode the input sequence into context representations using BERT. For the decoder, there are two stages in our model, in the first stage, we use a Transformer-based decoder to generate a draft output sequence. In the second stage, we mask each word of the draft sequence and feed it to BERT, then by combining the input sequence and the draft representation generated by BERT, we use a Transformer-based decoder to predict the refined word for each masked position. To the best of our knowledge, our approach is the first method which applies the BERT into text generation tasks. As the first step in this direction, we evaluate our proposed method on the text summarization task. Experimental results show that our model achieves new state-of-the-art on both CNN/Daily Mail and New York Times datasets.

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Complex Question Decomposition for Semantic Parsing
Haoyu Zhang | Jingjing Cai | Jianjun Xu | Ji Wang
Proceedings of the 57th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics

In this work, we focus on complex question semantic parsing and propose a novel Hierarchical Semantic Parsing (HSP) method, which utilizes the decompositionality of complex questions for semantic parsing. Our model is designed within a three-stage parsing architecture based on the idea of decomposition-integration. In the first stage, we propose a question decomposer which decomposes a complex question into a sequence of sub-questions. In the second stage, we design an information extractor to derive the type and predicate information of these questions. In the last stage, we integrate the generated information from previous stages and generate a logical form for the complex question. We conduct experiments on COMPLEXWEBQUESTIONS which is a large scale complex question semantic parsing dataset, results show that our model achieves significant improvement compared to state-of-the-art methods.