Hung-Yan Gu
Also published as: Hung-yan Gu
結合ANN、全域變異數與真實軌跡挑選之基週軌跡產生方法(A Pitch-contour Generation Method Combining ANN Prediction,Global Variance Matching, and Real-contour Selection)[In Chinese]
Hung-Yan Gu
Kai-Wei Jiang
Hao Wang
Proceedings of the 27th Conference on Computational Linguistics and Speech Processing (ROCLING 2015)
基於發音知識以建構頻譜HMM 之國語語音合成方法 (A Mandarin Speech Synthesis Method Using Articulation-knowledge Based Spectral HMM Structure)[In Chinese]
Hung-Yan Gu
Ming-Yen Lai
Wei-Siang Hong
Yan-Hua Chen
Proceedings of the 26th Conference on Computational Linguistics and Speech Processing (ROCLING 2014)
基於音段式LMR 對映之語音轉換方法的改進 (Improving of Segmental LMR-Mapping Based Voice Conversion Methods) [In Chinese]
Hung-Yan Gu
Jia-Wei Chang
Proceedings of the 25th Conference on Computational Linguistics and Speech Processing (ROCLING 2013)
基於音段式LMR對映之語音轉換方法的改進 (Improving of Segmental LMR-Mapping Based Voice Conversion Method) [In Chinese]
Hung-Yan Gu
Jia-Wei Chang
International Journal of Computational Linguistics & Chinese Language Processing, Volume 18, Number 4, December 2013-Special Issue on Selected Papers from ROCLING XXV
以線性多變量迴歸來對映分段後音框之語音轉換方法 (A Voice Conversion Method Mapping Segmented Frames with Linear Multivariate Regression) [In Chinese]
Hung-Yan Gu
Jia-Wei Chang
Zan-Wei Wang
Proceedings of the 24th Conference on Computational Linguistics and Speech Processing (ROCLING 2012)
使用分段式GMM 及自動GMM 挑選之語音轉換方法 (A Voice Conversion Method Using Segmental GMMs and Automatic GMM Selection) [In Chinese]
Hung-Yan Gu
Sung-Fung Tsai
ROCLING 2011 Poster Papers
結合HMM 頻譜模型與ANN 韻律模型之國語語音合成系統 (A Mandarin Speech Synthesis System Combining HMM Spectrum Model and ANN Prosody Model) [In Chinese]
Hung-Yan Gu
Ming-Yen Lai
Sung-Fung Tsai
ROCLING 2010 Poster Papers
基於離散倒頻譜之頻譜包絡估計架構及其於語音轉換之應用 (A Discrete-cepstrum Based Spectrum-envelope Estimation Scheme and Its Application to Voice Transformation) [In Chinese]
Hung-Yan Gu
Song-Fong Tsai
Proceedings of the 21st Conference on Computational Linguistics and Speech Processing
A Discrete-cepstrum Based Spectrum-envelope Estimation Scheme and Its Example Application of Voice Transformation
Hung-Yan Gu
Sung-Feng Tsai
International Journal of Computational Linguistics & Chinese Language Processing, Volume 14, Number 4, December 2009
基於ANN之頻譜演進模型及其於國語語音合成之應用 (An ANN based Spectrum-progression Model and Its Application to Mandarin Speech Synthesis) [In Chinese]
Hung-Yan Gu
Chang-Yi Wu
Proceedings of the 20th Conference on Computational Linguistics and Speech Processing
An HNM Based Scheme for Synthesizing Mandarin Syllable Signal
Hung-Yan Gu
Yan-Zuo Zhou
International Journal of Computational Linguistics & Chinese Language Processing, Volume 13, Number 3, September 2008: Special Issue on Selected Papers from ROCLING XIX
基於HNM 之國語音節信號的合成方法 (An HNM Based Method for Synthesizing Mandarin Syllable Signal) [In Chinese]
Hung-yan Gu
Yen-zuo Zhou
Proceedings of the 19th Conference on Computational Linguistics and Speech Processing
A System Framework for Integrated Synthesis of Mandarin, Min-Nan, and Hakka Speech
Hung-Yan Gu
Yan-Zuo Zhou
Huang-Liang Liau
International Journal of Computational Linguistics & Chinese Language Processing, Volume 12, Number 4, December 2007: Special Issue on Speech and Language Processing for Taiwanese Minnan, Hakka, and Mandarin
國語雙字語詞聲調評分系統 (A Scoring System for Mandarin Tones Uttered in Disyllabic Words) [In Chinese]
Hung-Yan Gu
Shih-Yan Sun
Hsiao-Fen Chang
Proceedings of the 18th Conference on Computational Linguistics and Speech Processing
一種用於網路電話之遺失封包補償方法 (A Packet Loss Concealment Method for Voice over IP ) [In Chinese]
Hung-Yan Gu
Zia-Sin Chen
Proceedings of the 18th Conference on Computational Linguistics and Speech Processing
閩南語語句基週軌跡產生: 兩種模型之混合與比較 (Min-Nan Sentence Pitch-contour Generation: Mixing and Comparison of Two Kinds of Models) [In Chinese]
Hung-Yan Gu
Wei Huang
Proceedings of the 17th Conference on Computational Linguistics and Speech Processing
仿趙氏音高尺度之基週軌跡正規化方法及其應用 (A Pitch-Contour Normalization Method Following Zhao’s Pitch Scale and Its Application) [In Chinese]
Hung-yan Gu
Hsiao-Fen Chang
Chun Hsin Wu
Proceedings of the 16th Conference on Computational Linguistics and Speech Processing
應用動態、靜待辭典以加速鍵盤輸入中文之方法 (A Dynamic-and Static-Dictionaries Based Method for Accelerating Chinese-Character Inputting with Keyboard) [In Chinese]
Hung-yan Gu
Chung-Chieh Yang
Proceedings of Research on Computational Linguistics Conference XI
時間比例基週波形內差 – 一個國語音節信號合成之新方法 (Time-Proportionated Interpolation of Pitch Waveforms – A New Method for Mandarin Syllable-Signal Synthesis) [In Chinese]
Hung-yan Gu
Wen-lung Shiu
Proceedings of Rocling IX Computational Linguistics Conference IX
適合大量中文文件全文檢索的索引及資料壓縮技術 (Full-text Indexing and Data Compression for Chinese Documents) [In Chinese]
Lee-Feng Chien
Hung-yan Gu
Proceedings of Rocling VIII Computational Linguistics Conference VIII
使用新式注音鍵盤及複合馬可夫語言模型之中文輸入系統 (A Chinese-character Inputting System Using a New Type of Phonetic Keyboard and a Compound Markov Language Model) [In Chinese]
Hung-yan Gu
Jr-yiau Chen
ROCLING 1994 Poster Papers
- Jia-Wei Chang 3
- Sung-Fung Tsai 3
- Yan-Zuo Zhou 3
- Hsiao-Fen Chang 2
- Ming-Yen Lai 2
- show all...