Jiawei Li


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Bit_numeval at SemEval-2024 Task 7: Enhance Numerical Sensitivity and Reasoning Completeness for Quantitative Understanding
Xinyue Liang | Jiawei Li | Yizhe Yang | Yang Gao
Proceedings of the 18th International Workshop on Semantic Evaluation (SemEval-2024)

In this paper, we describe the methods used for Quantitative Natural Language Inference (QNLI), and Quantitative Question Answering (QQA) in task1 of Semeval2024 NumEval. The challenge’s focus is to enhance the model’s quantitative understanding consequently improving its performance on certain tasks. We accomplish this task from two perspectives: (1) By integrating real-world numerical comparison data during the supervised fine-tuning (SFT) phase, we enhanced the model’s numerical sensitivity. (2) We develop an innovative reward model scoring mechanism, leveraging reinforcement learning from human feedback (RLHF) techniques to improve the model’s reasoning completeness.

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Fundamental Capabilities of Large Language Models and their Applications in Domain Scenarios: A Survey
Jiawei Li | Yizhe Yang | Yu Bai | Xiaofeng Zhou | Yinghao Li | Huashan Sun | Yuhang Liu | Xingpeng Si | Yuhao Ye | Yixiao Wu | 林一冠 林一冠 | Bin Xu | Ren Bowen | Chong Feng | Yang Gao | Heyan Huang
Proceedings of the 62nd Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers)

Large Language Models (LLMs) demonstrate significant value in domain-specific applications, benefiting from their fundamental capabilities. Nevertheless, it is still unclear which fundamental capabilities contribute to success in specific domains. Moreover, the existing benchmark-based evaluation cannot effectively reflect the performance of real-world applications. In this survey, we review recent advances of LLMs in domain applications, aiming to summarize the fundamental capabilities and their collaboration. Furthermore, we establish connections between fundamental capabilities and specific domains, evaluating the varying importance of different capabilities. Based on our findings, we propose a reliable strategy for domains to choose more robust backbone LLMs for real-world applications.


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Incomplete Utterance Rewriting by A Two-Phase Locate-and-Fill Regime
Zitong Li | Jiawei Li | Haifeng Tang | Kenny Zhu | Ruolan Yang
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: ACL 2023

Rewriting incomplete and ambiguous utterances can improve dialogue models’ understanding of the context and help them generate better results. However, the existing end-to-end models will have the problem of too large search space, resulting in poor quality of rewriting results. We propose a 2-phase rewriting framework which first predicts the empty slots in the utterance that need to be completed, and then generate the part to be filled into each positions. Our framework is simple to implement, fast to run, and achieves the state-of-the-art results on several public rewriting datasets.


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PSP: Pre-trained Soft Prompts for Few-Shot Abstractive Summarization
Xiaochen Liu | Yang Gao | Yu Bai | Jiawei Li | Yinan Hu | Heyan Huang | Boxing Chen
Proceedings of the 29th International Conference on Computational Linguistics

Few-shot abstractive summarization has become a challenging task in natural language generation. To support it, we developed a novel soft prompts architecture coupled with a prompt pre-training plus prompt fine-tuning paradigm, which is effective and tunes only extremely light parameters. To meet the structure of the generation models, the soft prompts comprise continuous input embeddings across an encoder and a decoder. Importantly, a new inner-prompt placed in the text is introduced to capture document-level information. The aim is to devote attention to understanding the document that better prompts the model to generate document-related content. In the training process, the prompt pre-training with self-supervised pseudo-data firstly teaches the model basic summarizing capability. Then, with few-shot examples, only the designed lightweight soft prompts are fine-tuned. Experimental results on the CNN/DailyMail and XSum datasets show that our method, with only 0.1% of the parameters, outperforms full-model tuning where all model parameters are tuned. It also surpasses Prompt Tuning by a large margin and delivers competitive results against Prefix-Tuning with 3% of the parameters.