Jie Ji
Also published as: 杰 纪
Uncertainty Quantification for In-Context Learning of Large Language Models
Chen Ling
Xujiang Zhao
Xuchao Zhang
Wei Cheng
Yanchi Liu
Yiyou Sun
Mika Oishi
Takao Osaki
Katsushi Matsuda
Jie Ji
Guangji Bai
Liang Zhao
Haifeng Chen
Proceedings of the 2024 Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies (Volume 1: Long Papers)
In-context learning has emerged as a groundbreaking ability of Large Language Models (LLMs) and revolutionized various fields by providing a few task-relevant demonstrations in the prompt. However, trustworthy issues with LLM’s response, such as hallucination, have also been actively discussed. Existing works have been devoted to quantifying the uncertainty in LLM’s response, but they often overlook the complex nature of LLMs and the uniqueness of in-context learning. In this work, we delve into the predictive uncertainty of LLMs associated with in-context learning, highlighting that such uncertainties may stem from both the provided demonstrations (aleatoric uncertainty) and ambiguities tied to the model’s configurations (epistemic uncertainty). We propose a novel formulation and corresponding estimation method to quantify both types of uncertainties. The proposed method offers an unsupervised way to understand the prediction of in-context learning in a plug-and-play fashion. Extensive experiments are conducted to demonstrate the effectiveness of the decomposition. The code and data are available at: https://github.com/lingchen0331/UQ_ICL.
CCL23-Eval 任务6总结报告:电信网络诈骗案件分类(Overview of CCL23-Eval Task 6: Telecom Network Fraud Case Classification)
Chengjie Sun (孙承杰)
Jie Ji (纪杰)
Boyue Shang (尚伯乐)
Binguan Liu (刘秉权)
Proceedings of the 22nd Chinese National Conference on Computational Linguistics (Volume 3: Evaluations)
“近年来,电信网络诈骗形势较为严峻,自动化案件分类有助于打击犯罪。本文介绍了任务相关的分类体系,其次从数据集、任务介绍、比赛结果等方面介绍并展示了本次评测任务的相关信息。本次任务共有60支参赛队伍报名,最终有34支队伍提交结果,其中有15支队伍得分超过 baseline,最高得分为0.8660,高于baseline 1.6%。根据结果分析,大部分队伍均采用了BERT类模型。”
Fix data
- Guangji Bai 1
- Haifeng Chen 1
- Wei Cheng 1
- Chen Ling 1
- Binguan Liu (刘秉权) 1
- show all...