It’s All Relative! – A Synthetic Query Generation Approach for Improving Zero-Shot Relevance Prediction
Aditi Chaudhary
Karthik Raman
Michael Bendersky
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: NAACL 2024
Large language models (LLMs) have shown promising ability to generate synthetic query-document pairs by prompting with as few as 8 demonstrations. This has enabled building better IR models, especially for tasks with no training data. Typically, such synthetic query generation (QGen) approaches condition on an input context (e.g. a text document) and generate a query relevant to that context, or condition the QGen additionally on the relevance label (e.g. relevant vs irrelevant) to generate queries across relevance buckets. However, we find that such QGen approaches are sub-optimal as they require the model to reason about the desired label and the input from a handful of examples. In this work, we propose to reduce this burden of LLMs by generating queries simultaneously for different labels. We hypothesize that instead of asking the model to generate, say, an irrelevant query given an input context, asking the model to generate an irrelevant query relative to a relevant query is a much simpler task. Extensive experimentation across nine IR datasets shows that synthetic queries generated in such a fashion translates to better downstream performance.
MLT-DR: Multi-Lingual/Task Demonstration RetrievalAn Attempt towards Generalized Retriever for In-Context Learning
Kazuma Hashimoto
Arjun Reddy Akula
Karthik Raman
Michael Bendersky
Proceedings of the Fourth Workshop on Multilingual Representation Learning (MRL 2024)
This paper presents Multi-Lingual/Task Demonstration Retrieval (MLT-DR) for in-context learning with Large Language Models (LLMs).Our goal is to investigate how dense demonstration retrieval models are generalized across languages and tasks.We first convert 81 tasks into a common format, covering various languages, task types, and domains.For 8 English-based tasks among them, we use machine translation to create synthetic multi/cross-lingual tasks, by translating the examples into non-English languages to explicitly cover more than 130 languages.We then use an instruction-tuned LLM to estimate utility of demonstrations for all the tasks to train the demonstration retrieval models.In our experiments, we show an interesting counterintuitive observation; to compute embeddings of demonstrations, using both the input and ground-truth output hurts the generalization ability of the retriever on unseen tasks whose output space is quite different from those in the seen task set.We also examine that our retriever robustly works even with LLMs that we did not touch during the development of the models.The retrieval models’ checkpoints are publicly available at
Take One Step at a Time to Know Incremental Utility of Demonstration: An Analysis on Reranking for Few-Shot In-Context Learning
Kazuma Hashimoto
Karthik Raman
Michael Bendersky
Proceedings of the 2024 Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies (Volume 1: Long Papers)
In-Context Learning (ICL) is an emergent capability of Large Language Models (LLMs). Only a few demonstrations enable LLMs to be used as blackbox for new tasks. Previous studies have shown that using LLMs’ outputs as labels is effective in training models to select demonstrations. Such a label is expected to estimate utility of a demonstration in ICL; however, it has not been well understood how different labeling strategies affect results on target tasks. This paper presents an analysis on different utility functions by focusing on LLMs’ output probability given ground-truth output, and task-specific reward given LLMs’ prediction. Unlike the previous work, we introduce a novel labeling method, incremental utility, which estimates how much incremental knowledge is brought into the LLMs by a demonstration. We conduct experiments with instruction-tuned LLMs on binary/multi-class classification, segmentation, and translation across Arabic, English, Finnish, Japanese, and Spanish. Our results show that (1) the probability is effective when the probability values are distributed across the whole value range (on the classification tasks), and (2) the downstream metric is more robust when nuanced reward values are provided with long outputs (on the segmentation and translation tasks). We then show that the proposed incremental utility further helps ICL by contrasting how the LLMs perform with and without the demonstrations.
How Does Beam Search improve Span-Level Confidence Estimation in Generative Sequence Labeling?
Kazuma Hashimoto
Iftekhar Naim
Karthik Raman
Proceedings of the 1st Workshop on Uncertainty-Aware NLP (UncertaiNLP 2024)
Sequence labeling is a core task in text understanding for IE/IR systems. Text generation models have increasingly become the go-to solution for such tasks (e.g., entity extraction and dialog slot filling). While most research has focused on the labeling accuracy, a key aspect – of vital practical importance – has slipped through the cracks: understanding model confidence. More specifically, we lack a principled understanding of how to reliably gauge the confidence of a model in its predictions for each labeled span. This paper aims to provide some empirical insights on estimating model confidence for generative sequence labeling. Most notably, we find that simply using the decoder’s output probabilities is not the best in realizing well-calibrated confidence estimates. As verified over six public datasets of different tasks, we show that our proposed approach – which leverages statistics from top-k predictions by a beam search – significantly reduces calibration errors of the predictions of a generative sequence labeling model.
Transforming Sequence Tagging Into A Seq2Seq Task
Karthik Raman
Iftekhar Naim
Jiecao Chen
Kazuma Hashimoto
Kiran Yalasangi
Krishna Srinivasan
Proceedings of the 2022 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing
Pretrained, large, generative language models (LMs) have had great success in a wide range of sequence tagging and structured prediction tasks. Casting a sequence tagging task as a Seq2Seq one requires deciding the formats of the input and output sequences. However, we lack a principled understanding of the trade-offs associated with these formats (such as the effect on model accuracy, sequence length, multilingual generalization, hallucination). In this paper, we rigorously study different formats one could use for casting input text sentences and their output labels into the input and target (i.e., output) of a Seq2Seq model. Along the way, we introduce a new format, which we show to to be both simpler and more effective. Additionally the new format demonstrates significant gains in the multilingual settings – both zero-shot transfer learning and joint training. Lastly, we find that the new format is more robust and almost completely devoid of hallucination – an issue we find common in existing formats. With well over a 1000 experiments studying 14 different formats, over 7 diverse public benchmarks – including 3 multilingual datasets spanning 7 languages – we believe our findings provide a strong empirical basis in understanding how we should tackle sequence tagging tasks.
QUILL: Query Intent with Large Language Models using Retrieval Augmentation and Multi-stage Distillation
Krishna Srinivasan
Karthik Raman
Anupam Samanta
Lingrui Liao
Luca Bertelli
Michael Bendersky
Proceedings of the 2022 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing: Industry Track
Large Language Models (LLMs) have shown impressive results on a variety of text understanding tasks. Search queries though pose a unique challenge, given their short-length and lack of nuance or context. Complicated feature engineering efforts do not always lead to downstream improvements as their performance benefits may be offset by increased complexity of knowledge distillation. Thus, in this paper we make the following contributions: (1) We demonstrate that Retrieval Augmentation of queries provides LLMs with valuable additional context enabling improved understanding. While Retrieval Augmentation typically increases latency of LMs (thus hurting distillation efficacy), (2) we provide a practical and effective way of distilling Retrieval Augmentation LLMs. Specifically, we use a novel two-stage distillation approach that allows us to carry over the gains of retrieval augmentation, without suffering the increased compute typically associated with it. (3) We demonstrate the benefits of the proposed approach (QUILL) on a billion-scale, real-world query understanding system resulting in huge gains. Via extensive experiments, including on public benchmarks, we believe this work offers a recipe for practical use of retrieval-augmented query understanding.
DiPair: Fast and Accurate Distillation for Trillion-Scale Text Matching and Pair Modeling
Jiecao Chen
Liu Yang
Karthik Raman
Michael Bendersky
Jung-Jung Yeh
Yun Zhou
Marc Najork
Danyang Cai
Ehsan Emadzadeh
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: EMNLP 2020
Pre-trained models like BERT ((Devlin et al., 2018) have dominated NLP / IR applications such as single sentence classification, text pair classification, and question answering. However, deploying these models in real systems is highly non-trivial due to their exorbitant computational costs. A common remedy to this is knowledge distillation (Hinton et al., 2015), leading to faster inference. However – as we show here – existing works are not optimized for dealing with pairs (or tuples) of texts. Consequently, they are either not scalable or demonstrate subpar performance. In this work, we propose DiPair — a novel framework for distilling fast and accurate models on text pair tasks. Coupled with an end-to-end training strategy, DiPair is both highly scalable and offers improved quality-speed tradeoffs. Empirical studies conducted on both academic and real-world e-commerce benchmarks demonstrate the efficacy of the proposed approach with speedups of over 350x and minimal quality drop relative to the cross-attention teacher BERT model.
Learning Multilingual Word Embeddings Using Image-Text Data
Karan Singhal
Karthik Raman
Balder ten Cate
Proceedings of the Second Workshop on Shortcomings in Vision and Language
There has been significant interest recently in learning multilingual word embeddings – in which semantically similar words across languages have similar embeddings. State-of-the-art approaches have relied on expensive labeled data, which is unavailable for low-resource languages, or have involved post-hoc unification of monolingual embeddings. In the present paper, we investigate the efficacy of multilingual embeddings learned from weakly-supervised image-text data. In particular, we propose methods for learning multilingual embeddings using image-text data, by enforcing similarity between the representations of the image and that of the text. Our experiments reveal that even without using any expensive labeled data, a bag-of-words-based embedding model trained on image-text data achieves performance comparable to the state-of-the-art on crosslingual semantic similarity tasks.
Multilingual Pseudo-Relevance Feedback: Performance Study of Assisting Languages
Manoj Kumar Chinnakotla
Karthik Raman
Pushpak Bhattacharyya
Proceedings of the 48th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics