Kosei Buma


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Aggregating Impressions on Celebrities and their Reasons from Microblog Posts and Web Search Pages
Hibiki Yokoyama | Rikuto Tsuchida | Kosei Buma | Sho Miyakawa | Takehito Utsuro | Masaharu Yoshioka
Proceedings of the 3rd Workshop on Knowledge Augmented Methods for NLP

This paper aims to augment fans’ ability to critique and exploreinformation related to celebrities of interest. First, we collect postsfrom X (formerly Twitter) that discuss matters related to specificcelebrities. For the collection of major impressions from these posts,we employ ChatGPT as a large language model (LLM) to analyze andsummarize key sentiments. Next, based on collected impressions, wesearch for Web pages and collect the content of the top 30 ranked pagesas the source for exploring the reasons behind those impressions. Oncethe Web page content collection is complete, we collect and aggregatedetailed reasons for the impressions on the celebrities from the contentof each page. For this part, we continue to use ChatGPT, enhanced bythe retrieval augmented generation (RAG) framework, to ensure thereliability of the collected results compared to relying solely on theprior knowledge of the LLM. Evaluation results by comparing a referencethat is manually collected and aggregated reasons with those predictedby ChatGPT revealed that ChatGPT achieves high accuracy in reasoncollection and aggregation. Furthermore, we compared the performance ofChatGPT with an existing model of mT5 in reason collection and confirmedthat ChatGPT exhibits superior performance.

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NTTSU at WMT2024 General Translation Task
Minato Kondo | Ryo Fukuda | Xiaotian Wang | Katsuki Chousa | Masato Nishimura | Kosei Buma | Takatomo Kano | Takehito Utsuro
Proceedings of the Ninth Conference on Machine Translation

The NTTSU team’s submission leverages several large language models developed through a training procedure that includes continual pre-training and supervised fine-tuning. For paragraph-level translation, we generated synthetic paragraph-aligned data and utilized this data for training.In the task of translating Japanese to Chinese, we particularly focused on the speech domain translation. Specifically, we built Whisper models for Japanese automatic speech recognition (ASR). We used YODAS dataset for Whisper training. Since this data contained many noisy data pairs, we combined the Whisper outputs using ROVER for polishing the transcriptions. Furthermore, to enhance the robustness of the translation model against errors in the transcriptions, we performed data augmentation by forward translation from audio, using both ASR and base translation models.To select the best translation from multiple hypotheses of the models, we applied Minimum Bayes Risk decoding + reranking, incorporating scores such as COMET-QE, COMET, and cosine similarity by LaBSE.