Lin-Shan Lee
Also published as: Lin-shan Lee
Discriminative Lexicon Adaptation for Improved Character Accuracy - A New Direction in Chinese Language Modeling
Yi-cheng Pan
Lin-shan Lee
Sadaoki Furui
Proceedings of the Joint Conference of the 47th Annual Meeting of the ACL and the 4th International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing of the AFNLP
Live Lexicons and Dynamic Corpora Adapted to the Network Resources for Chinese Spoken Language Processing Applications in an Internet Era
Lin-Shan Lee
Lee-Feng Chien
Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC’00)
Telephony Based Speaker-Independent Continuous Mandarin Syllable Recognition
Jia-lin Shen
Ying-chieh Tu
Po-yu Liang
Lin-shan Lee
International Journal of Computational Linguistics & Chinese Language Processing, Volume 4, Number 1, February 1999
Speaker-Independent Continuous Mandarin Speech Recognition Under Telephone Environments
Jia-Lin Shen
Ying-Chieh Tu
Po-Yu Liang
Lin-Shan Lee
Proceedings of Research on Computational Linguistics Conference XI
CPAT-Tree-Based Language Models with an Application for Text Verification in Chinese
Chun-Liang Chen
Bo-Ren Bai
Lee-Feng Chien
Lin-Shan Lee
Proceedings of Research on Computational Linguistics Conference XI
Integrating Long-Distance Language Modeling to Phoneme-to-Text Conversion
Tai-Hsuan Ho
Kae-Cherng Yang
Juei-Sung Lin
Lin-Shan Lee
Proceedings of the 10th Research on Computational Linguistics International Conference
Truncation on Combined Word-Based and Class-Based Language Model Using Kullback-Leibler Distance Criterion
Kae-Cherng Yang
Tai-Hsuan Ho
Juei-Sung Lin
Lin-Shan Lee
Proceedings of the 10th Research on Computational Linguistics International Conference
國語語音辨認中多領域語言模型之訓練、偵測與調適 (Training, Detection and Adaptation of Multi-Domain Language Models for Mandarin Speech Recognition) [In Chinese]
Sung-Chen Lin
Jyi-Lung Tsai
Lee-Feng Chien
Keh-Jiann Chen
Lin-Shan Lee
Proceedings of Rocling IX Computational Linguistics Conference IX
國語語音辨認中詞群語言模型之分群方法與應用 (Methodology Implementation and Application of Word-Class Based Language Model in Mandarin Speech Recognition) [In Chinese]
Yuan-Cheng Chang
Sung-Chen Lin
Lee-Feng Chien
Keh-Jiann Chen
Lin-Shan Lee
Proceedings of Rocling VII Computational Linguistics Conference VII
國語語音辨認中詞群雙連語言模型的解碼方法 (A Word-Class Bigram Approach to Linguistic Decoding in Mandarin Speech Recognition) [In Chinese]
Sung-Chen Lin
Lee-Feng Chien
Keh-Jiann Chen
Lin-Shan Lee
Proceedings of Rocling VI Computational Linguistics Conference VI
從中文語料庫中自動選取連續國語語音特性平衡句的方法 (Automatic Selection of Phonetically Rich Sentences from A Chinese Text Corpus) [In Chinese]
Hsin-Min Wang
Yuan-Cheng Chang
Lin-Shan Lee
Proceedings of Rocling VI Computational Linguistics Conference VI
An Efficient Natural Language Processing System Specially Designed for the Chinese Language
Lin-Shan Lee
Lee-Feng Chien
Long-Ji Lin
James Huang
K. J. Chen
ComputationaI Linguistics, Volume 17, Number 4, December 1991
A Preference-first Language Processor: Integrating the Unification Grammar and Markov Language Model for Speech Recognition Applications
Lee-Feng Chien
K. J. Chen
Lin-Shan Lee
29th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics
An Augmented Chart Data Structure with Efficient Word Lattice Parsing Scheme In Speech Recognition Applications
Lee-Feng Chien
K. J. Chen
Lin-Shan Lee
COLING 1990 Volume 2: Papers presented to the 13th International Conference on Computational Linguistics