Madhur Panwar


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Learning Syntax Without Planting Trees: Understanding Hierarchical Generalization in Transformers
Kabir Ahuja | Vidhisha Balachandran | Madhur Panwar | Tianxing He | Noah A. Smith | Navin Goyal | Yulia Tsvetkov
Transactions of the Association for Computational Linguistics, Volume 13

Transformers trained on natural language data have been shown to exhibit hierarchical generalization without explicitly encoding any structural bias. In this work, we investigate sources of inductive bias in transformer models and their training that could cause such preference for hierarchical generalization. We extensively experiment with transformers trained on five synthetic, controlled datasets using several training objectives and show that, while objectives such as sequence-to-sequence modeling, classification, etc., often fail to lead to hierarchical generalization, the language modeling objective consistently leads to transformers generalizing hierarchically. We then study how different generalization behaviors emerge during the training by conducting pruning experiments that reveal the joint existence of subnetworks within the model implementing different generalizations. Finally, we take a Bayesian perspective to understand transformers’ preference for hierarchical generalization: We establish a correlation between whether transformers generalize hierarchically on a dataset and if the simplest explanation of that dataset is provided by a hierarchical grammar compared to regular grammars exhibiting linear generalization. Overall, our work presents new insights on the origins of hierarchical generalization in transformers and provides a theoretical framework for studying generalization in language models.


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TAN-NTM: Topic Attention Networks for Neural Topic Modeling
Madhur Panwar | Shashank Shailabh | Milan Aggarwal | Balaji Krishnamurthy
Proceedings of the 59th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics and the 11th International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing (Volume 1: Long Papers)

Topic models have been widely used to learn text representations and gain insight into document corpora. To perform topic discovery, most existing neural models either take document bag-of-words (BoW) or sequence of tokens as input followed by variational inference and BoW reconstruction to learn topic-word distribution. However, leveraging topic-word distribution for learning better features during document encoding has not been explored much. To this end, we develop a framework TAN-NTM, which processes document as a sequence of tokens through a LSTM whose contextual outputs are attended in a topic-aware manner. We propose a novel attention mechanism which factors in topic-word distribution to enable the model to attend on relevant words that convey topic related cues. The output of topic attention module is then used to carry out variational inference. We perform extensive ablations and experiments resulting in ~9-15 percentage improvement over score of existing SOTA topic models in NPMI coherence on several benchmark datasets - 20Newsgroups, Yelp Review Polarity and AGNews. Further, we show that our method learns better latent document-topic features compared to existing topic models through improvement on two downstream tasks: document classification and topic guided keyphrase generation.