Masafumi Oyamada


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Relevance, Diversity, and Exclusivity: Designing Keyword-augmentation Strategy for Zero-shot Classifiers
Taro Yano | Kunihiro Takeoka | Masafumi Oyamada
Proceedings of the 13th Joint Conference on Lexical and Computational Semantics (*SEM 2024)

Zero-shot text classification involves categorizing text into classes without labeled data, typically using a pre-trained language model to compute the correlation between text and class names. This makes it essential for class names to contain sufficient information. Existing methods incorporate semantically similar keywords related to class names, but the properties of effective keywords remain unclear. We demonstrate that effective keywords should possess three properties: 1) keyword relevance to the task objective, 2) inter-class exclusivity, and 3) intra-class diversity. We also propose an automatic method for acquiring keywords that satisfy these properties without additional knowledge bases or data. Experiments on nine real-world datasets show our method outperforms existing approaches in fully zero-shot and generalized zero-shot settings. Ablation studies further confirm the importance of all three properties for superior performance.


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Context Quality Matters in Training Fusion-in-Decoder for Extractive Open-Domain Question Answering
Kosuke Akimoto | Kunihiro Takeoka | Masafumi Oyamada
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: EMNLP 2023

Retrieval-augmented generation models augment knowledge encoded in a language model by providing additional relevant external knowledge (context) during generation. Although it has been shown that the quantity and quality of context impact the performance of retrieval-augmented generation models during inference, limited research explores how these characteristics affect model training. This paper explores how context quantity and quality during model training affect the performance of Fusion-in-Decoder (FiD), the state-of-the-art retrieval-augmented generation model, in extractive open-domain question answering tasks. Experimental results suggest that FiD models overfit to context quality during training and show suboptimal performance when evaluated on different context quality. Through the experimental results, we also reveal FiD models trained with different context quality have different cross-attention distribution patterns. Specifically, as context quality during training increases, FiD models tend to attend more uniformly to each passage in context. Finally, based on these observations, we propose a method to mitigate overfitting to specific context quality by introducing bias to the cross-attention distribution, which we demonstrate to be effective in improving the performance of FiD models on different context quality.


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Low-resource Taxonomy Enrichment with Pretrained Language Models
Kunihiro Takeoka | Kosuke Akimoto | Masafumi Oyamada
Proceedings of the 2021 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing

Taxonomies are symbolic representations of hierarchical relationships between terms or entities. While taxonomies are useful in broad applications, manually updating or maintaining them is labor-intensive and difficult to scale in practice. Conventional supervised methods for this enrichment task fail to find optimal parents of new terms in low-resource settings where only small taxonomies are available because of overfitting to hierarchical relationships in the taxonomies. To tackle the problem of low-resource taxonomy enrichment, we propose Musubu, an efficient framework for taxonomy enrichment in low-resource settings with pretrained language models (LMs) as knowledge bases to compensate for the shortage of information. Musubu leverages an LM-based classifier to determine whether or not inputted term pairs have hierarchical relationships. Musubu also utilizes Hearst patterns to generate queries to leverage implicit knowledge from the LM efficiently for more accurate prediction. We empirically demonstrate the effectiveness of our method in extensive experiments on taxonomies from both a SemEval task and real-world retailer datasets.