Mireia Urpí


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Literacy in Digital Environments and Resources (LT-LiDER)
Joss Moorkens | Pilar Sánchez-Gijón | Esther Simon | Mireia Urpí | Nora Aranberri | Dragoș Ciobanu | Ana Guerberof-Arenas | Janiça Hackenbuchner | Dorothy Kenny | Ralph Krüger | Miguel Rios | Isabel Ginel | Caroline Rossi | Alina Secară | Antonio Toral
Proceedings of the 25th Annual Conference of the European Association for Machine Translation (Volume 2)

LT-LiDER is an Erasmus+ cooperation project with two main aims. The first is to map the landscape of technological capabilities required to work as a language and/or translation expert in the digitalised and datafied language industry. The second is to generate training outputs that will help language and translation trainers improve their skills and adopt appropriate pedagogical approaches and strategies for integrating data-driven technology into their language or translation classrooms, with a focus on digital and AI literacy.