Raffaele Guarasci
Work Hard, Play Hard: Collecting Acceptability Annotations through a 3D Game
Federico Bonetti
Elisa Leonardelli
Daniela Trotta
Raffaele Guarasci
Sara Tonelli
Proceedings of the Thirteenth Language Resources and Evaluation Conference
Corpus-based studies on acceptability judgements have always stimulated the interest of researchers, both in theoretical and computational fields. Some approaches focused on spontaneous judgements collected through different types of tasks, others on data annotated through crowd-sourcing platforms, still others relied on expert annotated data available from the literature. The release of CoLA corpus, a large-scale corpus of sentences extracted from linguistic handbooks as examples of acceptable/non acceptable phenomena in English, has revived interest in the reliability of judgements of linguistic experts vs. non-experts. Several issues are still open. In this work, we contribute to this debate by presenting a 3D video game that was used to collect acceptability judgments on Italian sentences. We analyse the resulting annotations in terms of agreement among players and by comparing them with experts’ acceptability judgments. We also discuss different game settings to assess their impact on participants’ motivation and engagement. The final dataset containing 1,062 sentences, which were selected based on majority voting, is released for future research and comparisons.
Monolingual and Cross-Lingual Acceptability Judgments with the Italian CoLA corpus
Daniela Trotta
Raffaele Guarasci
Elisa Leonardelli
Sara Tonelli
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: EMNLP 2021
The development of automated approaches to linguistic acceptability has been greatly fostered by the availability of the English CoLA corpus, which has also been included in the widely used GLUE benchmark. However, this kind of research for languages other than English, as well as the analysis of cross-lingual approaches, has been hindered by the lack of resources with a comparable size in other languages. We have therefore developed the ItaCoLA corpus, containing almost 10,000 sentences with acceptability judgments, which has been created following the same approach and the same steps as the English one. In this paper we describe the corpus creation, we detail its content, and we present the first experiments on this new resource. We compare in-domain and out-of-domain classification, and perform a specific evaluation of nine linguistic phenomena. We also present the first cross-lingual experiments, aimed at assessing whether multilingual transformer-based approaches can benefit from using sentences in two languages during fine-tuning.
Towards a Lexicon-grammar based Framework for NLP: an Opinion Mining Application
Annibale Elia
Serena Pelosi
Alessandro Maisto
Raffaele Guarasci
Proceedings of the International Conference Recent Advances in Natural Language Processing
- Elisa Leonardelli 2
- Daniela Trotta 2
- Sara Tonelli 2
- Annibale Elia 1
- Serena Pelosi 1
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