Sai Prasanna
When BERT Plays the Lottery, All Tickets Are Winning
Sai Prasanna
Anna Rogers
Anna Rumshisky
Proceedings of the 2020 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (EMNLP)
Large Transformer-based models were shown to be reducible to a smaller number of self-attention heads and layers. We consider this phenomenon from the perspective of the lottery ticket hypothesis, using both structured and magnitude pruning. For fine-tuned BERT, we show that (a) it is possible to find subnetworks achieving performance that is comparable with that of the full model, and (b) similarly-sized subnetworks sampled from the rest of the model perform worse. Strikingly, with structured pruning even the worst possible subnetworks remain highly trainable, indicating that most pre-trained BERT weights are potentially useful. We also study the “good” subnetworks to see if their success can be attributed to superior linguistic knowledge, but find them unstable, and not explained by meaningful self-attention patterns.
Zoho at SemEval-2019 Task 9: Semi-supervised Domain Adaptation using Tri-training for Suggestion Mining
Sai Prasanna
Sri Ananda Seelan
Proceedings of the 13th International Workshop on Semantic Evaluation
This paper describes our submission for the SemEval-2019 Suggestion Mining task. A simple Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) classifier with contextual word representations from a pre-trained language model was used for sentence classification. The model is trained using tri-training, a semi-supervised bootstrapping mechanism for labelling unseen data. Tri-training proved to be an effective technique to accommodate domain shift for cross-domain suggestion mining (Subtask B) where there is no hand labelled training data. For in-domain evaluation (Subtask A), we use the same technique to augment the training set. Our system ranks thirteenth in Subtask A with an F1-score of 68.07 and third in Subtask B with an F1-score of 81.94.