Shreya Ghosh
TOP-Training: Target-Oriented Pretraining for Medical Extractive Question Answering
Saptarshi Sengupta
Connor Heaton
Shreya Ghosh
Wenpeng Yin
Preslav Nakov
Suhang Wang
Proceedings of the 31st International Conference on Computational Linguistics
We study extractive question-answering in the medical domain (Medical-EQA). This problem has two main challenges: (i) domain specificity, as most AI models lack necessary domain knowledge, and (ii) extraction-based answering style, which restricts most autoregressive LLMs due to potential hallucinations. To handle those challenges, we propose TOP-Training, a target-oriented pre-training paradigm that stands out among all domain adaptation techniques with two desirable features: (i) TOP-Training moves one step further than popular domain-oriented fine-tuning since it not only moves closer to the target domain, but also familiarizes itself with the target dataset, and (ii) it does not assume the existence of a large set of unlabeled instances from the target domain. Specifically, for a target Medical-EQA dataset, we extract its entities and leverage large language models (LLMs) to generate synthetic texts containing those entities; we then demonstrate that pretraining on this synthetic text data yields better performance on the target Medical-EQA benchmarks. Overall, our contributions are threefold: (i) TOP-Training, a new pretraining technique to effectively adapt LLMs to better solve a target problem, (ii) TOP-Training has a wide application scope because it does not require the target problem to have a large set of unlabeled data, and (iii) our experiments highlight the limitations of autoregressive LLMs, emphasizing TOP-Training as a means to unlock the true potential of bidirectional LLMs.
Exploring Language Model Generalization in Low-Resource Extractive QA
Saptarshi Sengupta
Wenpeng Yin
Preslav Nakov
Shreya Ghosh
Suhang Wang
Proceedings of the 31st International Conference on Computational Linguistics
In this paper, we investigate Extractive Question Answering (EQA) with Large Language Models (LLMs) under domain drift, i.e., can LLMs generalize to domains that require specific knowledge such as medicine and law in a zero-shot fashion without additional in-domain training? To this end, we devise a series of experiments to explain the performance gap empirically. Our findings suggest that: (a) LLMs struggle with dataset demands of closed do- mains such as retrieving long answer spans; (b) Certain LLMs, despite showing strong overall performance, display weaknesses in meeting basic requirements as discriminating between domain-specific senses of words which we link to pre-processing decisions; (c) Scaling model parameters is not always effective for cross-domain generalization; and (d) Closed-domain datasets are quantitatively much different than open-domain EQA datasets and current LLMs struggle to deal with them. Our findings point out important directions for improving existing LLMs.