Shuangtao Yang

Also published as: SHuangtao Yang


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Mini-DA: Improving Your Model Performance through Minimal Data Augmentation using LLM
Shuangtao Yang | Xiaoyi Liu | Xiaozheng Dong | Bo Fu
Proceedings of the Fifth Workshop on Data Science with Human-in-the-Loop (DaSH 2024)

When performing data augmentation using large language models (LLMs), the common approach is to directly generate a large number of new samples based on the original dataset, and then model is trained on the integration of augmented dataset and the original dataset. However, data generation demands extensive computational resources. In this study, we propose Mini-DA, a minimized data augmentation method that leverages the feedback from the target model during the training process to select only the most challenging samples from the validation set for augmentation. Our experimental results show in text classification task, by using as little as 13 percent of the original augmentation volume, Mini-DA can achieve performance comparable to full data augmentation for intent detection task, significantly improving data and computational resource utilization efficiency.


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Knowdee at BLP-2023 Task 2: Improving Bangla Sentiment Analysis Using Ensembled Models with Pseudo-Labeling
Xiaoyi Liu | Mao Teng | SHuangtao Yang | Bo Fu
Proceedings of the First Workshop on Bangla Language Processing (BLP-2023)

This paper outlines our submission to the Sentiment Analysis Shared Task at the Bangla Language Processing (BLP) Workshop at EMNLP2023 (Hasan et al., 2023a). The objective of this task is to detect sentiment in each text by classifying it as Positive, Negative, or Neutral. This shared task is based on the MUltiplatform BAngla SEntiment (MUBASE) (Hasan et al., 2023b) and SentNob (Islam et al., 2021) dataset, which consists of public comments from various social media platforms. Our proposed method for this task is based on the pre-trained Bangla language model BanglaBERT (Bhattacharjee et al., 2022). We trained an ensemble of BanglaBERT on the original dataset and used it to generate pseudo-labels for data augmentation. This expanded dataset was then used to train our final models. During the evaluation phase, 30 teams submitted their systems, and our system achieved the second highest performance with F1 score of 0.7267. The source code of the proposed approach is available at