Suvodip Dey


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BoK: Introducing Bag-of-Keywords Loss for Interpretable Dialogue Response Generation
Suvodip Dey | Maunendra Sankar Desarkar
Proceedings of the 25th Annual Meeting of the Special Interest Group on Discourse and Dialogue

The standard language modeling (LM) loss by itself has been shown to be inadequate for effective dialogue modeling. As a result, various training approaches, such as auxiliary loss functions and leveraging human feedback, are being adopted to enrich open-domain dialogue systems. One such auxiliary loss function is Bag-of-Words (BoW) loss, defined as the cross-entropy loss for predicting all the words/tokens of the next utterance. In this work, we propose a novel auxiliary loss named Bag-of-Keywords (BoK) loss to capture the central thought of the response through keyword prediction and leverage it to enhance the generation of meaningful and interpretable responses in open-domain dialogue systems. BoK loss upgrades the BoW loss by predicting only the keywords or critical words/tokens of the next utterance, intending to estimate the core idea rather than the entire response. We incorporate BoK loss in both encoder-decoder (T5) and decoder-only (DialoGPT) architecture and train the models to minimize the weighted sum of BoK and LM (BoK-LM) loss. We perform our experiments on two popular open-domain dialogue datasets, DailyDialog and Persona-Chat. We show that the inclusion of BoK loss improves the dialogue generation of backbone models while also enabling post-hoc interpretability. We also study the effectiveness of BoK-LM loss as a reference-free metric and observe comparable performance to the state-of-the-art metrics on various dialogue evaluation datasets.


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Dial-M: A Masking-based Framework for Dialogue Evaluation
Suvodip Dey | Maunendra Sankar Desarkar
Proceedings of the 24th Annual Meeting of the Special Interest Group on Discourse and Dialogue

In dialogue systems, automatically evaluating machine-generated responses is critical and challenging. Despite the tremendous progress in dialogue generation research, its evaluation heavily depends on human judgments. The standard word-overlapping based evaluation metrics are ineffective for dialogues. As a result, most of the recently proposed metrics are model-based and reference-free, which learn to score different aspects of a conversation. However, understanding each aspect requires a separate model, which makes them computationally expensive. To this end, we propose Dial-M, a Masking-based reference-free framework for Dialogue evaluation. The main idea is to mask the keywords of the current utterance and predict them, given the dialogue history and various conditions (like knowledge, persona, etc.), thereby making the evaluation framework simple and easily extensible for multiple datasets. Regardless of its simplicity, Dial-M achieves comparable performance to state-of-the-art metrics on several dialogue evaluation datasets. We also discuss the interpretability of our proposed metric along with error analysis.

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DialoGen: Generalized Long-Range Context Representation for Dialogue Systems
Suvodip Dey | Maunendra Sankar Desarkar | Asif Ekbal | Srijith P. K.
Proceedings of the 37th Pacific Asia Conference on Language, Information and Computation

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On Text Style Transfer via Style-Aware Masked Language Models
Sharan Narasimhan | Pooja H | Suvodip Dey | Maunendra Sankar Desarkar
Proceedings of the 16th International Natural Language Generation Conference

Text Style Transfer (TST) is performable through approaches such as latent space disentanglement, cycle-consistency losses, prototype editing etc. The prototype editing approach, which is known to be quite successful in TST, involves two key phases a) Masking of source style-associated tokens and b) Reconstruction of this source-style masked sentence conditioned with the target style. We follow a similar transduction method, in which we transpose the more difficult direct source to target TST task to a simpler Style-Masked Language Model (SMLM) Task, wherein, similar to BERT (CITATION), the goal of our model is now to reconstruct the source sentence from its style-masked version. We arrive at the SMLM mechanism naturally by formulating prototype editing/ transduction methods in a probabilistic framework, where TST resolves into estimating a hypothetical parallel dataset from a partially observed parallel dataset, wherein each domain is assumed to have a common latent style-masked prior. To generate this style-masked prior, we use “Explainable Attention” as our choice of attribution for a more precise style-masking step and also introduce a cost-effective and accurate “Attribution-Surplus” method of determining the position of masks from any arbitrary attribution model in O(1) time. We empirically show that this non-generational approach well suites the “content preserving” criteria for a task like TST, even for a complex style like Discourse Manipulation. Our model, the Style MLM, outperforms strong TST baselines and is on par with state-of-the-art TST models, which use complex architectures and orders of more parameters.


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Towards Robust and Semantically Organised Latent Representations for Unsupervised Text Style Transfer
Sharan Narasimhan | Suvodip Dey | Maunendra Desarkar
Proceedings of the 2022 Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies

Recent studies show that auto-encoder based approaches successfully perform language generation, smooth sentence interpolation, and style transfer over unseen attributes using unlabelled datasets in a zero-shot manner. The latent space geometry of such models is organised well enough to perform on datasets where the style is “coarse-grained” i.e. a small fraction of words alone in a sentence are enough to determine the overall style label. A recent study uses a discrete token-based perturbation approach to map “similar” sentences (“similar” defined by low Levenshtein distance/ high word overlap) close by in latent space. This definition of “similarity” does not look into the underlying nuances of the constituent words while mapping latent space neighbourhoods and therefore fails to recognise sentences with different style-based semantics while mapping latent neighbourhoods. We introduce EPAAEs (Embedding Perturbed Adversarial AutoEncoders) which completes this perturbation model, by adding a finely adjustable noise component on the continuous embeddings space. We empirically show that this (a) produces a better organised latent space that clusters stylistically similar sentences together, (b) performs best on a diverse set of text style transfer tasks than its counterparts, and (c) is capable of fine-grained control of Style Transfer strength. We also extend the text style transfer tasks to NLI datasets and show that these more complex definitions of style are learned best by EPAAE. To the best of our knowledge, extending style transfer to NLI tasks has not been explored before.

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Towards Fair Evaluation of Dialogue State Tracking by Flexible Incorporation of Turn-level Performances
Suvodip Dey | Ramamohan Kummara | Maunendra Desarkar
Proceedings of the 60th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 2: Short Papers)

Dialogue State Tracking (DST) is primarily evaluated using Joint Goal Accuracy (JGA) defined as the fraction of turns where the ground-truth dialogue state exactly matches the prediction. Generally in DST, the dialogue state or belief state for a given turn contain all the intents shown by the user till that turn. Due to this cumulative nature of the belief state, it is difficult to get a correct prediction once a misprediction has occurred. Thus, although being a useful metric, it can be harsh at times and underestimate the true potential of a DST model. Moreover, an improvement in JGA can sometimes decrease the performance of turn-level or non-cumulative belief state prediction due to inconsistency in annotations. So, using JGA as the only metric for model selection may not be ideal for all scenarios. In this work, we discuss various evaluation metrics used for DST along with their shortcomings. To address the existing issues, we propose a new evaluation metric named Flexible Goal Accuracy (FGA). FGA is a generalized version of JGA. But unlike JGA, it tries to give penalized rewards to mispredictions that are locally correct i.e. the root cause of the error is an earlier turn. By doing so, FGA considers the performance of both cumulative and turn-level prediction flexibly and provides a better insight than the existing metrics. We also show that FGA is a better discriminator of DST model performance.


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Hi-DST: A Hierarchical Approach for Scalable and Extensible Dialogue State Tracking
Suvodip Dey | Maunendra Sankar Desarkar
Proceedings of the 22nd Annual Meeting of the Special Interest Group on Discourse and Dialogue

Dialogue State Tracking (DST) is a sub-task of task-based dialogue systems where the user intention is tracked through a set of (domain, slot, slot-value) triplets. Existing DST models can be difficult to extend for new datasets with larger domains/slots mainly due to either of the two reasons- i) prediction of domain-slot as a pair, and ii) dependency of model parameters on the number of slots and domains. In this work, we propose to address these issues using a Hierarchical DST (Hi-DST) model. At a given turn, the model first detects a change in domain followed by domain prediction if required. Then it decides suitable action for each slot in the predicted domains and finds their value accordingly. The model parameters of Hi-DST are independent of the number of domains/slots. Due to the hierarchical modeling, it achieves O(|M|+|N|) belief state prediction for a single turn where M and N are the set of unique domains and slots respectively. We argue that the hierarchical structure helps in the model explainability and makes it easily extensible to new datasets. Experiments on the MultiWOZ dataset show that our proposed model achieves comparable joint accuracy performance to state-of-the-art DST models.