Tomasz Naskręt
A Dataset of Translational Equivalents Built on the Basis of plWordNet-Princeton WordNet Synset Mapping
Ewa Rudnicka
Tomasz Naskręt
Proceedings of the Twelfth Language Resources and Evaluation Conference
The paper presents a dataset of 11,000 Polish-English translational equivalents in the form of pairs of plWordNet and Princeton WordNet lexical units linked by three types of equivalence links: strong equivalence, regular equivalence, and weak equivalence. The resource consists of the two subsets. The first subset was built in result of manual annotation of an extended sample of Polish-English sense pairs partly randomly extracted from synsets linked by interlingual relations such as I-synononymy, I-partial synonymy and I-hyponymy and partly manually selected from the surrounding synsets in the hypernymy hierarchy. The second subset was created as a result of the manual checkup of an automatically generated lists of pairs of sense equivalents on the basis of a couple of simple, rule-based heuristics. For both subsets, the same methodology of equivalence annotation was adopted based on the verification of a set of formal, semantic-pragmatic and translational features. The constructed dataset is a novum in the wordnet domain and can facilitate the precision of bilingual NLP tasks such as automatic translation, bilingual word sense disambiguation and sentiment annotation.
A collaborative system for building and maintaining wordnets.
Tomasz Naskręt
Proceedings of the 10th Global Wordnet Conference
A collaborative system for wordnet construction and maintenance is presented. Its key modules include WordnetLoom editor, Wordnet Tracker and JavaScript Graph. They offer a number of functionalities that allow solving problems on every stage of building, editing and aligning wordnets by teams of lexicographers working in parallel. The experience collected in recent years has allowed us to refine applications and add new modules to provide the best user experience in a reliable and easily maintainable way.
WordnetLoom – a Multilingual Wordnet Editing System Focused on Graph-based Presentation
Tomasz Naskręt
Agnieszka Dziob
Maciej Piasecki
Chakaveh Saedi
António Branco
Proceedings of the 9th Global Wordnet Conference
The paper presents a new re-built and expanded, version 2.0 of WordnetLoom – an open wordnet editor. It facilitates work on a multilingual system of wordnets, is based on efficient software architecture of thin client, and offers more flexibility in enriching wordnet representation. This new version is built on the experience collected during the use of the previous one for more than 10 years of plWordNet development. We discuss its extensions motivated by the collected experience. A special focus is given to the development of a variant for the needs of MultiWordnet of Portuguese, which is based on a very different wordnet development model.